Digital Tools for Formative Assessment

20 Digital Tools for Formative Assessment in the Classroom

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Digital Tools for Formative Assessment by Mind Map: Digital Tools for Formative Assessment

1. Kahoot!

1.1. Kahoot! | Learning Games | Make Learning Awesome!

1.2. Kahoot! creates learning games with your content. Students can participate in a whole-class competition to answer quiz questions on their devices. The questions and winners are displayed on the board.

2. Seesaw

2.1. Seesaw

2.2. This tool allows your classroom to have an online interface. You can create student portfolios, online formative assessments, and communicate with parents on Seesaw.

3. Flipgrid

3.1. Flipgrid. Ignite Classroom Discussion.

3.2. Flipgrid is an app where students and teachers post videos revolving around a question. The teacher will post a video to the classroom grid asking a question or starting a discussion. The teacher can also put a time limit on the student videos so they must be clear and concise.

4. Nearpod

4.1. Nearpod

4.2. Nearpod is a program that allows the teacher to share their lesson with students on their devices. The teacher controls what the student sees on their devices so the student stays on the correct slide. The teacher can incorporate formative assessment questions throughout the lesson that the students answer on their devices.

5. Canva


5.2. Students can use this website to create graphic organizers and flowcharts easily to demonstrate their understanding in an organizer and attractive way.

6. Quizizz

6.1. Quizizz: Free quizzes for every student

6.2. Quizizz is a free online resource that allows students to take formative assessments at their own pace.

7. Socrative

7.1. Home - Socrative

7.2. This lesson engagement tool allows students to be tested at their own pace of understanding and gives the student instant feedback.

8. Edulastic: Interactive Formative Assessments

8.1. Edulastic

8.2. Edulastic has a database of formative assessments that can replace paper-based assessments. It gives instant feedback and tracks student progress and data.

9. Dotstorming

9.1. Dotstorming

9.2. Dotstorming is a collaborative brainstorming tool that allows for interactive formative assessment.

10. Quizlet

10.1. Quizlet

10.2. This tool allows students to study for the formative assessment using flashcards and study tools. The student can also complete a quiz on quizlet that is either teacher generated or from the quiz database.

11. Google Forms

11.1. Google Forms: Free Online Surveys for Personal Use

11.2. This survey processor has a quiz option that is great for digital assessments. You can create your quiz with short answer, true/false, short answer, paragraph response, matching, and/or likert questions.

12. Edpuzzle

12.1. Edpuzzle

12.2. Edpuzzle allows teachers to upload their own content or select from existing lesson. Students work through the slideshow video at their own pace and answer teacher generated questions throughout.

13. Google Classroom

13.1. Classroom: manage teaching and learning | Google for Education

13.2. Google Classroom is an online classroom format where the teacher can post assignments, formative assessments, and learning material.

14. Mentimeter

14.1. Interactive presentation software

14.2. This app allows your presentations to be interactive. Students can view the presentation on their device and answer formative questions throughout the presentation.

15. Pear Deck

15.1. Pear Deck for Google Slides — Pear Deck

15.2. Pear Deck is an extension for Google Slides that allow the presentation to become interactive on the student's device. You can insert questions or opportunities for the students to draw or think critically.

16. Go Formative

16.1. Formative

16.2. This tool has a content database much like edpuzzle that you can use to administer formative assessments and track student data.

17. A,nnotate


17.2. This tool allows the student to annotate any online reading resource.

18. Peergrade

18.1. Peergrade - engaging student peer review

18.2. Students submit their work to Peergrade and then the program anonymously assigns student work to other students for them to assess and return.

19. Animoto

19.1. Video maker | Create your own video easily - Animoto

19.2. Gives students the ability to make a short, 30-second share video of what they learned in a given lesson.

20. Educreations

20.1. ‎Educreations

20.2. This whiteboard app provides students the tool to share understanding and comprehension.