Tattva Bodha

Tattvabodha is an excellent introductory work for any student of Vedanta. This is a mind map (partial) of the core concepts discussed in Tattvabodha. Have used the translation by Sw. Gurubhaktananda of Chinamaya Mission.

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Tattva Bodha by Mind Map: Tattva Bodha

1. sādhanacatuṣṭaya kim ? What are the fourfold qualifications?

1.1. nityānityavastuvivekaḥ The capacity to Discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent;

1.1.1. nityānityavastuvivekaḥ kaḥ ? nityavastvekaṃ brahma tadvyatiriktaṃ sarvamanityam । ayameva nityānityavastuvivekaḥ ।:The Eternal alone is the Reality, apart from It all else is ephemeral; this alone is Discrimination. tattvavivekaḥ kaḥ ? ātmā satyaṃ tadanyat sarvaṃ mithyeti । (The firm conviction ) that the Self is Real, and all other than That is unreal. ātmā kaḥ ? What is the self?

1.2. "ihāmutrārthaphalabhogavirāgaḥ" : the fruits of actions here and hereafter, to have Dispassion for their enjoyment,

1.2.1. virāgaḥ kaḥ ? ihasvargabhogeṣu icchārāhityam ।: The enjoyments in this world and heaven, the absence of desire for them.

1.3. "śamādiṣaṭkasampattiḥ" the Sixfold Virtues beginning with Shama;

1.3.1. śamādisādhanasampattiḥ kā ? śamo dama uparamastitikṣā śraddhā samādhānaṃ ca iti । They are i) Shama, ii) Dama, iii) Uparati, iv) Titiksha, v) Shraddha, and vi) Samadhana. śamaḥ kaḥ ? mano nigrahaḥ । : Control or mastery over the mind. damaḥ kaḥ ? cakṣurādibāhyendriyanigrahaḥ । The eyes, etc – i.e. the 10 sense organs – their firm control is called Dama. uparamaḥ kaḥ ? svadharmānuṣṭhānameva । One’s own Dharma or duty, the strict observance of that alone. titikṣā kā ? śītoṣṇasukhaduḥkhādisahiṣṇutvam Of heat and cold, of joy and sorrow (pleasure and pain) – it is their endurance. śraddhā kīdṛśī ? guruvedāntavākyādiṣu viśvāsaḥ śraddhā । samādhānaṃ kim ? cittaikāgratā । Single-pointedness of mind is Samadhana. Etat saadhana chatushtyam; tatah tattwa vivekasya, adhi-kaarinah bhavanti. This is the Fourfold Qualification. Thereafter, for the enquiry into Truth, they become fully qualified and fit.

1.4. mumukṣutvaṃ ceti ।: burning yearning for Liberation.

1.4.1. mumukṣutvaṃ kim ? mokṣo me bhūyād iti icchā । etat sādhanacatuṣṭayam । tatastattvavivekasyādhikāriṇo bhavanti । “Let me attain Liberation”, this intense desire is Mumukshutva.