Story Ideas
by Group2 FYP
1. Idea 2
1.1. A news report, akin to the War of the Worlds radio broadcast, which details surreal events happening, such as strange objects emerging from the sky, visuals forming on everyday objects from clothing to buildings, and doppelgängers appearing
2. Phenomenology - human perception
2.1. object appearing/dissapearing/reappearing
2.2. protagonist's reality falling apart
2.3. cognitive dissonance
2.3.1. protagonist seeing object which shouldn't be there - fantastical occurences protagonist natural motivation to resolve this dissonance acceptance refusal to accept termination of life to prevent madness
3. Simulacrum
3.1. Character living in a simulated reality
3.1.1. Knowing his reality is simulated is it possible?
3.1.2. Not knowing
3.1.3. Discovery Conflict
4. Graphical Elements
4.1. encompassing the world/reality
4.2. benevolent
4.2.1. attempting to informing and helping the protagonist
4.3. malevolent
4.3.1. attempting to destroy and harm the protagonist
4.4. Graphics acting as the antagonist
4.4.1. part of the narrative itself