Change water consumption experience for families using low techs

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Change water consumption experience for families using low techs by Mind Map: Change water consumption  experience for families using low techs

1. For what do families use water in every day life ?

1.1. Bain/Douche (39%)

1.2. Sanitaire (20%)

1.3. Linge (12%)

1.4. Vaiselle (10%)

1.5. Jardin (6%)

1.6. Cuisine (6%)

1.7. Boisson/Autres (

2. Issues encountered in every day life by families using low tech

2.1. It's hard work being a low-tech parent

2.1.1. Interview of a Parent using Low Tech : "Being a low-tech parent is hard. There are many times when I wish I didn’t care so much and could simply hand my kids an iPad or turn on a TV to distract them. It would certainly make parenting easier, but I don’t believe it would make it any better. In fact, the more I observe and learn about the effect that early technology use has on children today, the more I recoil in distress. The sum total of technology in my home consists of two older model iPhones (with no games apps), a tiny MacBook Air that I use for work, and an eight-year-old desktop computer that gives us endless trouble. There are no iPads, no e-readers, no televisions, or iPods. Our young children are expected to entertain themselves with toys, books, and bikes. Many people are either surprised or disapproving of the old-fashioned way in which we choose to raise our kids."

2.2. Raising Low-Tech Kids — The Wired Family

2.2.1. My boys are eight and four years old, are not completely engrossed in technology, and I will continue to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

2.3. Silicon Valley parents are raising their kids tech-free — and it should be a red flag

3. Innovative ideas to solve this problem

3.1. Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis - Circle of Blue

3.1.1. - Educate to change consumption and lifestyles - Invent new water conservation technologies - Improve irrigation and agricultural practices - Recycle wastewater - Appropriately price water - Develop energy efficient desalination plants - Improve water catchment and harvesting - Look to community-based governance and partnerships - Develop and enact better policies and regulations - Holistically manage ecosystems - Improve distribution infrastructure - Shrink corporate water footprints - Build international frameworks and institutional cooperation - Address pollution - Public common resources / equitable access - R&D / Innovation - Water projects in developing countries / transfer of technology - Climate change mitigation - Population growth control

3.2. HOME

3.3. 9 Viable Water Scarcity Solutions for the 21st Century

3.3.1. - Improved Infrastructure - Groundwater Recharge / Aquifer Storage and Recovery - Pollution and Contamination Control - Water Conservation / Drought Mitigation - Rainwater Harvesting / Water Catchment - Water Credit / Water Equity - Research and Technology - Support Clean Water Initiatives - Increase Awareness and Education

4. Who are those families using low tech ?

4.1. Family in precarious / low income

4.1.1. Global poverty: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision

4.2. Green families


5. The futur of water in few years

5.1. Is the world running out of fresh water?

5.1.1. Water demand globally is projected to increase by 55% between 2000 and 2050. Much of the demand is driven by agriculture, which accounts for 70% of global freshwater use, and food production will need to grow by 69% by 2035 to feed the growing population. Water withdrawal for energy, used for cooling power stations, is also expected to increase by over 20%. In other words, the near future presents one big freshwater drain after the next.

5.2. Trend Magazine | A Map of the Future of Water

5.2.1. Global changes are altering where and how we get fresh water, sparking the need for worldwide cooperation. Water security is at a greater risk than most people realize. The availability of fresh water is rapidly changing all over the world, creating a tenuous future that requires attention from policymakers and the public.

6. Low techs

6.1. Difference between High Tech & Low Tech

6.1.1. Low technology does not require a power source. Sometimes this can be the easiest and most practical of solutions in assistive technology. Low tech devices are items that facilitate independence in an area as does high tech devices. Examples of low tech are a cane for assistance with walking, a pencil grip for children with grasp issues, or even glasses to assist an individual with seeing their environment.

6.1.2. Low Tech vs. High Tech

6.2. Exemple of Low Tech

6.2.1. Here are a few examples of low-tech assistive technology devices that can be used with your students. | Assistive technology, Kids electronics, Technology

6.2.2. Assistive Technology: Low-Tech Has Its Place | Smart Kids

6.3. Definition and meaning of Low Tech

6.3.1. Low technology definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

6.3.2. - A low technology is a technology that does not involve highly advanced or specialized systems or devices.It is a technology utilizing equipment and production techniques that are relatively unsophisticated

6.4. Low Tech VS High Tech


7. Consequence of water waste


7.2. Water is a basic resource that guarantees the life of all living beings on the planet. However, its scarcity and pollution cause millions of people to have poor access to this much-needed asset. Although there are water treatment processes such as drinking water treatment or desalination that facilitate its treatment, use and consumption in areas with quality or supply problems, it is first necessary to avoid its contamination.

7.3. The human being is the main responsible for water pollution Humans are the main cause of water pollution, which is triggered in many ways: by the dumping of industrial waste; due to temperature rise, that cause the alteration of water by reducing the oxygen in its composition; Or due to deforestation, which causes sediments and bacteria to appear under the soil and therefore contaminate groundwater. In the same way, the pesticides used in agricultural fields filter through underground channels and reach the consumption networks; And also as a result of accidental spillage of oil.

7.4. What are the effects of water pollution? What are the main consequences of water pollution? Firstly, the disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems. Also, humans are harmed by the alteration in the food chain and by contracting illnesses when drinking or using contaminated water. As you can see, water pollution has a great impact in the environment. For all this, we must ensure water availability, its sustainable management and sanitation for all, as reflected in the sixth of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda.

8. The impact of new technology toward water today

8.1. Producing drinking water, no power needed In many parts of the world, the problem isn't just a shortage of water, it's that the available water is dirty. Not surprising considering that 80 percent of the sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated. That's where devices like the SunSpring Hybrid come in. The shiny cylinder houses a self-contained water filtration system that can turn more than 20,000 liters of dirty water into drinking water every day. Perhaps more importantly, it can be set up quickly just about anywhere, as long as there is a water source like a river or a well nearby. Built-in solar panels and an optional wind turbine means it doesn't need a power supply, which means it could be used in remote regions without access to electricity or places hit by extreme weather events or natural disasters.

8.2. Drinking fog There are those places where even dirty water is scarce, like the Atacama desert in northern Chile, or parts of the Anti-Atlas Mountains in Morocco. One thing those places do have in common though, is a lot of fog. But you can't drink that. Or can you? Fog collectors make the seemingly impossible, possible. As the misty mass passes through the weave of large vertical nets, tiny droplets of water get caught on the fabric and slowly trickle down the meshing into a collection system. The idea isn't new, but people have been tinkering to make fog collectors more efficient and durable, and to bring the technology to the remote areas that are ideally suited for its use.

8.3. Don't flush But getting your hands on clean water isn't everything. Using it economically is very important, too. One place where we waste a lot of water is the toilet. A single flush on a traditional US toilet can use up to 26 liters of the precious resource. At the same time, one third of the world's population still doesn't have access to a real toilet, a massive burden on the environment and a major health risk. So how can we provide toilets to those who don't have them and avoid flushing so much water down the pan? The Nano Membrane Toilet just might do the trick. The odorless high-tech toilet uses no water or external power and turns excrement into water (though not of drinking quaity) and ash, using the biomatter as an energy source in the process. And as futuristic as this may sound, it's no pipe dream. The design by researchers at Cranfield University won the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 'Reinvent the Toilet Challenge' and working prototypes are already being tested in the field.

8.4. Floating farm About 97.2 percent of water on the planet is salty, making it unsuitable for the cultivation of food. But Leilah Clarke, a design student from the University of Sussex turned that notion on its head when she created floating farm pods that generate their own fresh water. The idea is quite simple: As the pods float on the ocean, water evaporates below them and rises in the dome. When the vapor hits the glass, it condensates and runs down the sides, watering the plants growing inside. While still a prototype, farms like this, floating off the coast of sun-drenched desert countries could provide food without tapping into limited groundwater.

9. References

9.1. Low Tech vs. High Tech

9.2. Causes and consequences of water pollution

9.3. It's hard work being a low-tech parent

9.4. The Wired Family

9.5. Is the world running out of fresh water?

9.6. Trend Magazine | A Map of the Future of Water

9.7. 9 Viable Water Scarcity Solutions for the 21st Century

10. Key words

10.1. Low Tech

10.2. Cheap

10.3. Families

10.4. Electronics

10.5. Water

10.6. Consumtion

10.7. Inexpensive

10.8. Poverty

10.9. Grenn

10.10. Global Warning