Ian Walker's Practical Computer Project 2012

Ian Walker's SHU Practical Computer Project mindmap for assignment 1

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Ian Walker's Practical Computer Project 2012 by Mind Map: Ian Walker's Practical Computer Project 2012

1. Ideas

1.1. Software applicaton

1.1.1. Easy to use

1.1.2. Designed to be lightweight Research specs required to run the system

1.1.3. What tools to use to create it? Time needed to research packages Time needed to learn new skills

1.2. Content Management System

1.2.1. Deals only with legal content (music)

1.2.2. Alternative to the likes of iTunes

1.2.3. Research software that deals with digital content

1.2.4. Base proposed system on user feedback gained from questionnaires

1.2.5. Research existing content management systems

1.3. Online site

1.3.1. Deals with legal content only What content to provide? Legal issues involved Research specs needed for web server

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. Legal content management system for digital content

2.2. Software application that deals with legal digital content

2.3. Online website dealing with legal digital content

3. Research

3.1. The rise of digital content

3.1.1. How iTunes shaped the digital frontier

3.1.2. Napster and P2P sharing

3.2. The rise of torrents and file hosts

3.2.1. Notable cases involving piracy against the industry

3.2.2. Reactions from the industry

3.2.3. Reactions from users (e.g. Anonymous)

3.3. Piracy in developing countries

3.3.1. Impact of piracy on the entertainment industry

3.3.2. Piracy as a sustainable income source

3.3.3. Reasons why people pirate content

3.3.4. Research Copyright laws Use research as basis for proposed system

3.3.5. Research rise of DRM Use research as basis for proposed system

3.4. Research existing software dealing with digital content

3.4.1. Features

3.4.2. Price

3.4.3. Requirements

3.5. Research existing CMS systems

3.5.1. Free vs. Paid

3.6. Steps being taken to combat piracy

3.6.1. 'Freemium' apps on iTunes App Store

3.6.2. Software protection methods

3.6.3. Downloadable content

3.6.4. DRM content

3.7. Legal implications of allowing user to add their own content to the system (disclaimers)

3.8. Interviews vs Questionnaires

3.8.1. Interviews - 3 people Devise list of questions to ask

3.8.2. Questionnaires - 20 people Devise list of questions to ask

3.8.3. Post samples of interview/questionnaire questions on site

3.8.4. Post finished interviews/questionnaire on site as evidence

3.9. People to contact

3.9.1. How many people to contact? Industries to contact Law enforcement - Martin Walker (Head of Nottinghamshire Police Cyber Crimes Division) Music artist - John Beagley or Tim Wright Piracy prevention - Eddy Leviten (FACT) Create Bio page

4. Project

4.1. Define project scope

4.1.1. An evaluation of piracy and its effects on the software industry and the issues involved in creating a legal digital content platform for use in a developing country.

4.1.2. Define project plan and timescales Gantt chart

4.2. Deliverables

4.2.1. Proposed system based on user feedback and system and database design solely designed to deal with digital content Hosted online using the SHU server What hosting provider to use?

4.3. Objectives

4.3.1. Create a CMS system that deals only with legal content

5. Action Points

5.1. 1.Evaluate the rise of piracy on the internet and in developing countries.

5.2. 2.Perform user questionnaires to ascertain what people think about piracy.

5.3. 3.Research current content management systems available and their advantages/disadvantages in terms of this project specification.

5.4. 4.Research the legal and ethical issues of working with digital content online.

5.5. 5.Research development tools that could be used to create the proposed system.

5.6. 6.Propose a system that will deal with legal digital content and adhere to all the laws required.

5.7. 7.Design the system and its function (system and database design)

5.8. 8.Create GUI mockups of how the system will look, feel and function in a variety of situations.

5.9. 9.Perform user questionnaires to validate system and its objective to offer only legal content and adjust as necessary.

5.10. 10.Evaluate finished project and comment upon any adjustments or differences that could have been made.

6. Problems

6.1. Getting quality feedback from users

6.1.1. Who to contact? MPAA, Law enforcement, Piratebay etc. Electronic Frontier Foundaction, FACT, Kevin Mitnick

6.1.2. What industries to cover? Users, Businesses, Law enforcement

6.1.3. How long to give people to respond before moving on? One week or more for a response?

6.1.4. How many people to contact? Larger group = better quality of data?

6.1.5. What questions/topics to ask? Wrong questions = low quality of data

6.2. Lack of programming knowledge to fully implement the system

6.2.1. Easiest way to solve the problem?

6.2.2. Quickest way to learn new skills? Create CMS in PHP? Books, teaching, videos required? Off The Shelf software vs. Programming

6.2.3. Which package allows for the quickest system to actually be implemented in some way? Research existing OTS systems Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla Research how to create a new system programmatically YouTube, books, tutorials

6.3. How to deal with piracy in developing countries

6.3.1. Is software too overpriced? Volume licensing 'Digital downloads' vs. Physical media The decline in physical software

6.3.2. Is it too easy and convenient to pirate content? No real legal problems Copyrighted content on YouTube for example Pirated content/methods shown on video hosting sites How increased internet speeds helped promote piracy

6.3.3. Does software provide value for money? Downloadable content, special editions etc.

6.3.4. Open source vs Commercial software Open source = less quality and therefore lower priced?

6.3.5. Lack of company support in that country Companies only usually focus on the Western world Distribution issues the cause of piracy?

6.4. Lack of legal repercussions for those who pirate content

6.4.1. Fall of MegaUpload

6.4.2. US laws to combat piracy (such as SOPA)

6.4.3. Freedom of speech/privacy issues?

6.4.4. ISP regulations towards piracy Cases and mistakes

7. Proposed System

7.1. Based on user feedback

7.1.1. Evaluate system after user feedback and comment upon anything that could have been done differently Critically evaluate project Tools and techniques used to create proposed system Benefits and drawbacks of system Explain what could have been improved

7.2. Implementation vs Mockups?

7.2.1. Static Mockups Can they be made interactive? Research software that can do this and get approval Critically evaluate mockup software

7.3. Legal content only

7.3.1. Focuses on music content only DRM or not?

7.4. Gather requirements

7.4.1. User feedback

7.4.2. Keep content legal Amazon/iTunes integration

7.4.3. Allow user to use their own content in the system?

7.4.4. Legal disclaimers and warnings

7.4.5. Allow users to interact with content?

7.4.6. Database requirements and design

7.4.7. CMS requirements

7.4.8. GUI layout

7.4.9. System features

7.4.10. System design

7.5. Host MP3 files or not?

7.6. Allow for music to be previewed?

7.7. Amazon/iTunes integration

7.8. Allow user to add their own MP3 files to the system?