1. Software Requirement
1.1. Risk managenent
1.1.1. Cause of problems
1.1.2. Type of risk Project risk Technical risk Business risk
1.2. Elicitation
1.3. Analysis
1.4. Specification
2. Computer
2.1. Software
2.1.1. Application software
2.2. Handware
2.2.1. Input device
2.2.2. Output device
3. Software engineering
3.1. Phases
3.1.1. Definition
3.1.2. Maintenance
3.1.3. Testing
3.1.4. Development
4. Software process
4.1. Perspective
4.1.1. People
4.1.2. Technology
4.1.3. Methods and Tools
4.2. Process
4.2.1. Entry (E)
4.2.2. Task (T)
4.2.3. Validation (V)
4.2.4. Exit (E)
4.3. Software Process Model
4.3.1. RUP
4.3.2. V Model
4.3.3. WaterFall model
4.3.4. Scrum model
4.3.5. Phototyping model
4.3.6. RAD model
4.3.7. Incremental model
4.3.8. Spiral model
5. Software Measurements & Metrics
5.1. Cost
5.2. Scope
5.3. Time
6. Expected result output
7. Types
7.1. Unit test
7.2. Intergration test
7.3. Function test
7.4. Regession test
7.5. System test
7.6. Validation test
7.7. Unit or module test
7.8. Functionsal and integration test
8. The Software Testing
8.1. Definitions
8.1.1. Testing
8.1.2. Varification
8.1.3. Validation
8.1.4. Debugging
8.1.5. Failure
8.1.6. Defect
8.1.7. Error
8.2. Methods
8.2.1. Back box Input and Output
8.3. Test case
8.3.1. Set of input
8.3.2. Condition
9. Software Project
9.1. Phases
9.1.1. Planning Launch Planning
9.1.2. Monitoring & Control Monitoring & controlling Executing
9.2. Planning process
9.2.1. Decompose requirement
9.2.2. Etimate resources
9.2.3. Etimate product size Closing
9.2.4. Etimate schedule
10. Software design
10.1. Sell your own products
10.1.1. Software Quality SQC SQA
10.2. Sell your own services
11. Software Inspections and Review
11.1. TYPES
11.1.1. Infomal reviews
11.1.2. Fomal reviews
11.2. Purpose
11.2.1. Improve quality