Andrea Foulkes Web Project
by Edgar Danmer

1. Edgar's Insights
1.1. Edgar feels that Andrea has a healthy intelligent grasp of what is needed in making this project successful
1.2. Edgar is seeing himself as Andrea's web support PA and is really excited about this opportunity
1.3. Moving the web across to WordPress will take approx between 2-4 weeks.
2. Edgar's role
2.1. Setting up website on WordPress
2.2. Managing Andrea Social Media
2.3. Transferring content from old website to new site
2.4. Researching the best webinar/ live stream system for Andrea's work
2.5. Setting up products to be sold on iTunes, Amazon, Facebook, etc
3. Project Process
3.1. First Stage: Have a few telephone conversations about the project
3.2. Second Stage: Meet in person and get further clarity on what is needed in starting project
3.3. Third Stage: Edgar suggests a quote for the project and Andre meditates on it and both parties come to an agreement that is beneficial to all parties involved on all levels of reality
3.4. Fourth Stage: Once first month's payment is agreed, Edgar will begin on the project.
4. Edgar's Website:
5. Social Media
5.1. Facebook
5.1.1. Increase likes on Facebook fan page
5.2. Twitter
5.2.1. set up account
5.2.2. increase followers
5.2.3. update message once a day 5 times a week
5.3. Google Plus
5.3.1. set up account
5.3.2. auto post updates from blog to Google plus
5.4. You Tube
5.4.1. increase views
5.4.2. increase subscribers