Saturday Vibes VA Drill

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Saturday Vibes VA Drill by Mind Map: Saturday Vibes VA Drill

1. Format

1.1. 30 Mins You taking Action

1.2. 30 Mins teaching

2. 7am

2.1. Set The Context

2.2. Landscape VA

2.3. Things you need to know

2.4. Ice Breakers

3. 11 am - 11:15am

3.1. Simulate Teams

3.2. Execute as a VA

4. 8am

4.1. Breakfast

4.2. Speed Networking

4.3. Video

4.4. Moderate

5. 9am

5.1. Getting Setup and Ready as a VA

5.1.1. Niche

5.1.2. Profile

5.1.3. Pricing

5.1.4. Proposal

5.1.5. Product

5.1.6. Review strategy

5.2. Setup your profile

6. 10am

6.1. Customer Acquistions

6.1.1. 1. Direct Marketing

6.1.2. 2.Influencer Marketing

6.1.3. 3. Video Marketing

6.2. Identify - Your Sales COPY PASTE MESSAGE

6.3. Influencers to Promote Your Product

6.4. Create a broll Version 1 Video