4 Imperatives of Great Leaders

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4 Imperatives of Great Leaders by Mind Map: 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders

1. Planning to learn for individual practice or action learning project

1.1. What learning opportunities does the project/practice offer me?

2. Continuous reflection on How do we get there? How do we make it happen? What professional learning strategies can help achieve this? Design strategic PD program?

2.1. Leverage capabilities and strengths

2.2. Provide opportunities to practice

2.3. Design structures to enable collaboration

2.4. Organize resources to support learning

2.5. Action - creating feedback loops using student data

2.6. Trialling, observing, revising and reviewing T & L strategies

3. Shared purpose in defining Where we are going? What do our teachers need to learn? How explicit are our expectations? What do our leaders need to learn about to support the staff?

3.1. Learning to and learning about (students)

3.2. Teaching, leading and contributing to the PLC (teachers)

3.3. Leading PL and building the PLC (leaders)

3.4. Sustaining a learning culture

3.5. Action - ensuring Organisational maximizes learning

3.6. Action - collaborating with peers & leaders; sharing knowledge of students and their learning needs

4. Evaluate impact of PL - How will we know when we get there? How will we celebrate our learning & learn from mistakes? What shows us how well we are doing this? What have we learnt through this?

4.1. Evaluate impact of PL

4.1.1. Capabilities and capacities of students

4.1.2. Teacher leadership

4.1.3. Leaders Leading for learning

4.1.4. School learning culture and climate

4.2. action - staff collecting, analyzing and interpreting data

4.3. Action effecting critically to determine future action

5. Building professional rapport & situational awarenessWhere are we now? What is happening in the school and what is the capacity for improvement/change? What do we know about how our teachers learn?

5.1. What are the learning needs (student)

5.2. Achievements, enablers & constraints (staff-teaching and non teaching)

5.3. Capabilities & experience (leadership)

5.4. Collective capacity for change (school)

5.5. Action - mapping teaching from syllabus outcomes to student learning

5.5.1. Scope and sequence

5.5.2. Teaching programs

5.6. Action - supporting staff to critically reflect on their teaching practices


6.1. Speed of Trust

6.2. Character/Competence=Credibility and Trust

6.3. Trust and Tax dividends

6.4. High Trust Behaviours


7.1. Job to be done/Strategic link/Finance model

7.2. Purpose and Vision - Team Purpose Statement

7.3. Rigorous personal thought and reflection/Team feedback and involvement for shared vision


8.1. Execution - 4 essential systems for

8.1.1. Focus on the wildly important

8.1.2. Act on lead measures

8.1.3. Keep a compelling scoreboard

8.1.4. Create a cadence of accountability

8.2. Talent

8.2.1. Attract

8.2.2. Position

8.2.3. Develop

8.2.4. Reward

8.3. Core work proceses

8.3.1. Research

8.3.2. Prototype

8.3.3. Implement

8.3.4. Get Beter

8.4. Customer Feedback

8.4.1. P-D = NPS


9.1. Voice

9.1.1. Need

9.1.2. Conscience

9.1.3. Passion

9.1.4. Talent

9.2. Performance

9.2.1. Levels of initiative

9.2.2. Win/Win performance agreements Desired Results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences

9.3. Clear the path