Life On The Goldfields

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Life On The Goldfields by Mind Map: Life On The Goldfields

1. Food

1.1. Alcohol=grog

1.1.1. Served in glasses called nobblers

1.2. Meat

1.2.1. Mutton with potatoes and onions

1.3. Salted Beef Jerky

1.4. Damper

1.4.1. Made of flour, salt and water

1.5. Billy tea

1.5.1. Boiled over a billy on an open fire

1.6. Fruits and vegetables

1.6.1. Rare

2. Sickness

2.1. Weakness of sight

2.1.1. Sandy soil

2.1.2. Hot winds

2.2. Scurvy

2.3. Dysentery

2.3.1. Badly cooked food

2.3.2. Bad water

2.3.3. Want of veges

2.4. Diarrhoea

2.4.1. Mainly in early Spring and late Autumn with dysentery

2.5. Sore Eyes

2.5.1. Caused by flies

2.5.2. Also flies in ears and nose

2.6. Treatment

2.6.1. Dr Eadie's sarsaparilla pills Sore eyes Ulcers Cancers Tumours Piles Ringworms

2.6.2. Ointment

2.6.3. Doctors Cost a lot Very few

3. Housing

3.1. Tents

3.1.1. First way of living

3.2. Shanty Huts

3.2.1. Used after tents

3.2.2. Made of canvas, wood and bark

3.3. Larger slab huts

3.3.1. For people staying longer

3.4. Small humpies

3.4.1. Made of wood,scraps and things found

3.5. Small cottages

3.5.1. Built in the late gold rush

3.5.2. With solid brick fireplaces

4. Entertainment

4.1. Adults

4.1.1. Opossum and kangaroo hunting-very popular

4.1.2. Cancan-favourite dance

4.1.3. Balls, concerts,horse racing,fighting,story telling,music

4.1.4. To show off new wealth

4.2. Children

4.2.1. Puppets,music statues,exploring enjoyed

4.2.2. Indoor bowling was fun

4.2.3. Boys-marbles,jacks

4.2.4. Girls-doll dressing, skipping

5. Life of Children

5.1. Changed schools often

5.1.1. Parents moved often

5.2. Found gold sometimes

5.3. Household Chores

5.3.1. Shopping

5.3.2. Minding the younger children

5.3.3. Gathering firewood

5.3.4. Fetching water from creeks

5.3.5. Washing of clothes

5.3.6. Looking after horses

5.3.7. Cooking

6. Clothing

6.1. Gentlemen

6.1.1. Tall hats The taller the hat, the more rich

6.1.2. Suits

6.2. Women

6.2.1. Large bonnet To keep off the sun

6.2.2. Long dresses High necks Tight waists

6.2.3. Cotton petticoat and bloomers

6.2.4. Stockings and boots Boots made of leather

6.3. Rich ladies

6.3.1. Lace sleeves

6.3.2. White gloves

6.4. Girls

6.4.1. Dresses Tight waist Full skirt

6.4.2. Stockings and boots Stockings-brightly coloured Leather boots

6.4.3. Cape or jacket When out

6.5. Boys

6.5.1. Long pants held by belt

6.5.2. Striped shirt with short jackets

6.5.3. Hat or cap

6.5.4. Under 5's Dresses, babies clothes-expensive

6.6. Successful miners

6.6.1. Striped flannel undershirt with cotton overshirt

7. Schooling

7.1. Often no schooling at all

7.1.1. Long time to establish

7.2. Children came as soon as they arrived

7.3. Taught religion,history,handwriting with slates,geography,reading and maths.

7.4. No homework

7.4.1. Lots of household chores

8. Shopping

8.1. Sly grog sellers

8.1.1. Avoided confiscaton of goods

8.1.2. Sold alcohol illegally

8.2. Workers got rich quicker than miners

8.3. Shops were tents

8.4. Corner Shops

8.4.1. Large variety of goods

8.5. Butchers

8.5.1. Meat from bushrangers

8.5.2. Couldn't keep it cold

8.6. Aborigines sold their farm produce