Wind Turbine Generation Project

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Wind Turbine Generation Project by Mind Map: Wind Turbine Generation Project

1. Employees

1.1. Labor

1.1.1. Wages

1.2. Funding

1.2.1. Who's paying for this?

1.3. Overtime

1.4. Working hours

1.4.1. Days or Evenings?

1.5. Human Resources

1.6. Inusurance

1.7. Workers Comp

1.7.1. In case of injuries on the job

2. Weather

2.1. Cold

2.1.1. Pneumonia

2.2. Windy

2.2.1. Dangerous Working Conditions

2.3. Hot

2.3.1. Heat Stroke

2.4. Rain

2.4.1. Hazardous Working Conditions

2.5. Hail

2.5.1. Damaged materials

3. Wind

3.1. South

3.2. North

3.3. East

3.4. West

4. Materials

4.1. Cemement

4.1.1. Mixing Truck

4.2. Turbines

4.2.1. Where will we get them?

4.3. Power

4.4. Water

4.4.1. Is there a water source nearby?

4.5. Wire

4.6. Electricity

4.6.1. From where?