Watch Over Life on Earth (why)

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Watch Over Life on Earth (why) by Mind Map: Watch Over Life on Earth (why)

1. who:

1.1. how

1.1.1. what

2. consumer/citizen

3. government official

3.1. Public opinion

4. Private Companies (timber, eucalyptus, paper)

4.1. owner

4.1.1. include wildfire emissions in carbon footprint

4.1.2. Be involved in environmental projects

4.1.3. Reduce wildfire related Co2 emissions - 75%

4.1.4. Reduce environmental fines (sugarcane mostly?)

4.2. operations manager

4.2.1. Decrease burnt area per year by 75%

4.2.2. Reduce Opex

4.2.3. don't have to check, just decide

4.2.4. be green for marketing purposes

4.2.5. Reduce fire geolocation incertainty - 1km

4.2.6. minimize implementation time to 0

4.3. operator

4.3.1. "Don't look -> just Check" Model Accuracy - 90% (in production) Reliable Software. 99% uptime

4.3.2. take the right tools to fight fire

4.3.3. reduce time to get all the details Fast - max 1s Delay between click and camera move

5. Land Owners

5.1. prevent invasion/arson

5.2. reduce/prevent soil correction

5.2.1. cost: 6-50 BRL per hectare

5.3. Decrease soil corretion by 50%

6. neighbors