Emilie Jeneson

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Emilie Jeneson por Mind Map: Emilie Jeneson

1. Prenatal and Newborn

1.1. 1. Physical: I began as a zygote in my mother's uterine wall it is in the germinal stage where I divide and grow in complexity. Then I reach the embryonic stage where I develop my major organs and anatomy. The fetal stage happens after 8 weeks of conception and I undergo very rapid changes. I begin kicking my mothers stomach and the hemispheres of my brain grow very rapidly.

1.2. 2. Social: A this stage I am able interact with my mother and soon after I am born I start relationships and begin to imitate other's behavior such as facial expressions

1.3. 3. Cognitive: As my brain develops prenatally and as a newborn, I am able to differentiate between people. I develop a sense of touch which helps me with many other stages of cognitive growth. I learn about touch by placing them in my mouth

2. Infancy and Toddlerhood

2.1. 1. Physical: As an infant I begin to grow reflexes. The rooting reflex, startle reflex and Babinski reflex are all part of my physical development. I begin to develop my gross motor skills which will later be more developed. In order to perfect these skills I walk, crawl, jump and dance around! My sense and perception processes begin working very keenly when I am an infant too.

2.2. 2. Cognitive: As an infant I am said to undergo schemes which help me to understand the world. They help me to understand through experience and behaviors. According to researchers I undergo the sensorimotor stage where I develop simple reflexes, circular reactions, secondary circular reactions, coordination of secondary circular reactions, tertiary circular reactions and beginnings of thought.

2.3. 3. Social: As an infant I pass through the stage of trust vs. mistrust. I am not able to care for myself and have to depend on my parents and other caregivers. I can learn a lot from other children and develop through bonds and attachments I have with my family and people I am around for most of my infancy and toddlerhood.

3. Middle Childhood

3.1. 1. Physical: My gross and fine motor skills are developed along with my physical ability including muscle coordination. Some children at my age experience sensory problems including ADHD.

3.2. 2. Cognitive: My interllectual abilities are much more skilled and I have a much better memory and am capable of using a larger vocabulary. I am able to read much more and understand what I am reading better than before.

3.3. 3. Social: I develop a sense of who I am and determine whether I have a positive or negative view of myself. I develop morally and begin thinking about my role in society based on my gender. I develop friendships and learn how to socialize with other children my age.

4. Preschool Period

4.1. 1. Physical: I grew physically in preschool and I learn to exercise and move around more easily. I can walk, climb and run with much more balance than other stages before this one. I learn how to control my gross and fine motor skills and show signs of manual dexterity. The brain also continues growing when I am this age, with adequate nutrition it helps me develop my cognitive abilities immensely.

4.2. 2. Cognitive: My memory capacity increases during the preschool period and I am able to remember things much better. I learn how to perform tasks like problem solving and figuring out how to open and close containers. I've begun to figure out how people react to me and how I act. Sometimes I can be a show-off because I want to make people laugh and entertain them.

4.3. 3. Social: during my preschool period I figure out how to interact better with my classmates. Sometimes I am very shy and instead of playing with other children, I like to watch instead. I learn right from wrong and am able to develop moral behavior.

5. Death and Dying

5.1. Physical: At this point, my body has reached 100 years old and undergone much wear-and-tear. My body is weak and tired and I might have battled cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. Because my body has been through so much over the years, I will not pursue any further treatment. I was in denial and very depressed but have now come to terms with dying and would like it to happen in a hospice and surrounded by the people I love.

5.2. Cognitive: I went through the five stages of dying and I created a living will that says I do not want to be kept alive aka a DNR.

5.3. Social: I have come to terms with myself and those I love that I am going to loose them and I am ready to say goodbye. I have great fear of how my death will affect the ones I love but hope that they will follow my will and celebrate my life rather than mourn over their loss. When creating my will, I included who my estate would belong to after I will be gone and what to do with my remains.

6. Adolescence

6.1. 1. Physical: Puberty is one of the largest changes physically I can remember experiencing. The awkward feeling of this stage of life is like none other. The transition between childhood and adulthood will face me with many challenges. During this stage I will most likely grow several inches and experience menarche, the onset of menstruation. Girls in the adolescence stage will begin developing breasts or pubic hair.

6.2. 2. Cognitive: Although I think that my brian is done growing, it will not be fully developed until I am twenty years old. my communication system in my brain becomes more sophisticated and I am able to process information more effectively. Instead of viewing problems as having black and white solutions, I will be able to see shades of grey. I will most likely think that my parents are out to get me and become slightly egocentric.

6.3. 3. Social: I am might more concerned about my friends and what they are doing all the time. I am often struggling to gain independence from my parents and it is likely that at the end of my adolescent stage I will realize that they are not horrible. I will at time struggle like many other girls with my body image and having lower self-esteem than some of my classmates. I am trying to decide what I like during this stage and what makes me an individual.

7. Early Adulthood

7.1. 1. Physical: My physical development is nearly complete. I will focus a lot on physical exercise and find a way to be fit and healthy. I will avoid alcohol and tobacco. I will attempt to combat stress as best as possible, but it is likely that because of my genetics I will become stressed under certain situations.

7.2. 2. Cognitive: I must be abel to cope and confront major life issues. I must decide what I want to do after college and if I want to get married. I am able to apply post formal thought to the issues I must face. I might decide later down the road that I want to go back to college and get a master's degree so that I can become more successful in my lifetime.

7.3. 3. Social: I will most likely develop a more intimate and lasting relationship with a significant other. Friendships and loving relationships will become more important to me and I will begin questioning marriage. I will need to decide if I have found the right person to marry and have kids with and if I would even like to have children in the future. Once I come to terms with my current occupation I will most likely reassess if it is the right job for me and if it is really what I want to do to be fulfilled.

8. Middle Adulthood

8.1. 1. Physical: I am in good physical health and need to be aware of chronic diseases that develop in middle adulthood including arthritis and hypertension. I will participate in health clubs and exercises classes like Pilates to help me stay fit. I will most likely notice a loss of strength during this time. I will also need to be aware of using contraception if I have not already been through menopause.

8.2. 2. Cognitive: I will develop knowledge and skill in the field of work that my life has taken me. It is likely that I have perfected a lot of the skills that I know but also likely that my intellectual skills will begin declining at this stage.

8.3. 3. Social: I am in the midlife transition during this stage of life so I find and focus on the relationships that really matter to me. I like to spend my time doing the things that I love. I might experience an awareness of personality traits that have remained constant throughout my lifetime. I will experience a new family dynamic and begin taking care of my own parents and still take care of my own at the same time. I might experience emotions including sadness from having my oldest child leave home for college.

9. Late Adulthood

9.1. 1. Physical:I will become aging more rapidly at this stage in my life. I will still be able to stay fit and agile. I will most likely have grey hair that will thin over time. My face will become more wrinkled due to a loss of collagen and elasticity. Because I am a woman I will become more susceptible to osteoporosis. My sense organs will decline and make it harder to see, hear, taste and smell.

9.2. 2. Cognitive: I will most likely experience a decline in cognitive ability. My memory capability will most likely not be as sharp and I may experience dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Because it runs in my family, I will take precautionary measures during my lifetime to avoid loosing my memory.

9.3. 3. Social: I might experience not having time to focus on my physical fitness and which will force me through the stage of redefinition of self versus preoccupation with work. It is likely that I will age differently than my spouse and that might mean that I have to take care of him as he ages. After my spouse passes away, I might decide to live with one of my children for more support and stability. If my children are not able to take responsibility for me I will most likely live in an older community where I can meet new people and find a book club or golfing buddy.