Fake Enrollment Event

Example of how you could use Mindmeister!

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Fake Enrollment Event by Mind Map: Fake Enrollment Event

1. Invite Attendees

1.1. Contact lists

1.1.1. Who will populate

1.1.2. How do we gather new contacts

1.2. Invitation Timeline

1.2.1. How much time between invite / event

1.2.2. Who will manage RSVPs

1.2.3. Deadline

1.3. Attendance goals

2. Create Presentation

2.1. Speakers

2.1.1. Order of presentations

2.1.2. Length / Content from each Speaker

2.2. Supporting documents

2.2.1. Sharing Video / Graphics

2.2.2. Sharing screen

2.2.3. Virtual Tour

2.3. Rehearsal

2.3.1. Rehearsal Schedule

2.3.2. Strengths?

2.3.3. Issues?

3. Execute Event

3.1. Date / Time

3.2. Staff

3.2.1. Leader

3.2.2. Support Team

3.2.3. Guest Speaker

3.3. Plan for Hiccups

3.3.1. Weather?

3.3.2. If speaker is sick?

3.3.3. Technical Issues

3.3.4. If RSVP'd guests don't show

4. Create Campaign

4.1. What is our main goal?

4.1.1. What is the current challenge? Data to support challenge

4.1.2. Message to communicate? Headline / Title What do they think? What do we want them to think?

4.1.3. Who are we targeting? Best ways to reach them How do they get info? Avenues

5. Analyze Past Events

5.1. Review survey results

5.1.1. How are people critiquing us? Alternative methods New Strategies How do we shift perceptions? How are we behind the competition?

5.1.2. What do they like about us? What do we keep the same? Can we use as testimonial? How are we ahead of competition?

5.2. Feedback from event planners

5.3. Numbers:

5.3.1. Costs

5.3.2. Attendees

5.3.3. Time it took to plan

6. Post Event Analyzations

6.1. What went right?

6.2. What went wrong?

6.3. Goals for next time