by kunal gajbhiye
1. What is it
1.1. an invasive fungal infection affecting patients who have recently recovered from COVID-19
2. Also called
2.1. ‘black fungus
3. About the disease
3.1. Mucormycosis is an aggressive and invasive fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycete
3.2. It can affect various organs but is currently manifesting as an invasive rhino-orbito-cerebral disease, crawling through the sinus and working its way to the brain, affecting the ear, nose, throat, and mouth.
3.3. is it contagious
3.3.1. While it is not contagious, it can cause a lot of damage internally and can be fatal if not detected early.
3.4. can lead to
3.4.1. leading to blindness, stroke or death
4. Causes of the disease
4.1. Diabetes mellitus is the most common underlying cause
4.2. haematological malignancies
4.3. solid-organ transplants
5. What causes the disease in covid patients
5.1. an indiscriminate use of a high dose of steroids in COVID-19 patients,
5.1.1. sometimes even in minimally symptomatic patients
5.1.2. This leads to spikes in the sugar level among diabetics, which, in turn, renders them vulnerable