The Will Power Instinct

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The Will Power Instinct by Mind Map: The Will Power Instinct

1. Pre Cortex

1.1. Self Awareness

1.1.1. Phineous Gauge

1.1.2. Meditation

2. Nervous Systems

2.1. Fight or Flee

2.2. Pause and Think

2.3. Heart Rate Variability

2.3.1. Meditation

2.3.2. Physical Exercise

2.3.3. Sleep

2.3.4. Relax

3. License to Skin

3.1. Evidence

3.1.1. Scandals in Politics and Religion

3.1.2. Survey on Princeton Women

3.1.3. Charity and Giving (could they remember last offering?)

3.2. Delusion of Progress

3.2.1. Remember the WHY?

3.3. Tomorrow Licenses Today

3.3.1. Grilled Chicken Salad

3.3.2. Overly Optimistic Exercise Promises

3.3.3. Reduce your daily variability - View every choice as a commitment to all future choices

3.4. Halo Effect

3.4.1. Pretty Girl selling chocolates

3.4.2. Savings in Supermart Receipts

4. Muscle

4.1. Evidence

4.1.1. Stanford Dead Week

4.1.2. Would Be Entrepeneur

4.1.3. Roy Baumeister

4.2. Energy

4.2.1. Mathew Gailliot

4.2.2. Low GI Food

4.3. Training

4.3.1. Getting used to Pause n Think

4.3.2. Turning door knobs with left hand

4.4. Tapping on WANT power

4.4.1. Frustrated Mom

4.5. Choice Architecture

5. Dopamine

5.1. Discoveredthe Promise of Reward - Evolution trick to keep us alive

5.1.1. James Olds and Peter Milner Experiment

5.1.2. Gaming Companies

5.1.3. Scent Companies

5.2. Be on the Lookout for Manipulators of Dopamine Neurons

5.3. Incenticise yourself

5.3.1. Fish Bowl Draw


6.1. Brain Protects Mood -> Trigger Cravings

6.2. Know effect Stress Relievers

6.2.1. Sports

6.2.2. Reading

6.2.3. Praying

6.2.4. Listening Music

6.3. Beware WHAT THE HELL Effect

7. Future You

7.1. Delay Discounting

7.1.1. Available Now Wait 10 minutes

7.1.2. Can be seen Visually

7.2. Eons ago. To survive. A bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush

7.3. Burn your Ships

7.4. Meet your Future Self

7.4.1. Create a future memory

7.4.2. Send a message to your future self

7.4.3. Imagine your future self

8. Infectious

8.1. Find a Will Power Role Model

8.1.1. Steve Jobs

8.1.2. Michael Jordan

8.2. Shame is Limited

8.3. Appeal to Pride

9. I Won't Power

9.1. Ironic Rebound

9.2. Strategy

9.2.1. Accept the craving, feeling

9.2.2. Let the wave go over... (Surfing the Urge)

9.2.3. Disassociate feelings with actions