The ADDIE Method
by Angie Miller

1. Analyze
1.1. Step 1 is to analyze the situation: what needs to be developed? Why does it need to be developed? A great starting point would be to conduct a Needs Analysis; if instruction is designed without understanding the needs of the students and the objectives of the educational event, those objectives or goals will not be reached.
1.1.1. " Great training programs don't come together by accident. They require planning and analysis" (Intulogy, 2004-2010).
2. Design
2.1. Step 2 is to begin the design of the material. By this point, if a needs analysis has been performed, the instructional designer/design team should be familiar with not only what is needed in the instruction, but they should also have a set of objectives and goals to begin designing around.
2.1.1. Commonly, at this point, a Design Document should/could be created as an outline for both the designer and their client so that everyone involved knows where the design is going.
3. Develop
3.1. Step 3 is the actual development of the instruction or learning course/event. All the needs have been determined in the Analyze stage, and the design of the material fleshed out in the Design phase, so now its time to put those thoughts, outlines, and plans into development.
4. Implement
4.1. Step 4 is the implementation of the instruction developed in the proceeding phases. At this phase, since the instruction is in its finished form, implementing it will show whether the goals outlines in phase 1, the Analysis phase, was communicated clearly in the Design phase and actually developed into the instruction during the Development stage, which segways into the last phase: Evaluation.
5. Evaluate
5.1. Step 5 is the Evaluation of the material designed; At this stage, it is important to note that what is being evaluated is the entire course and its reception by the audience it was designed for; Did the audience enjoy the course? Was it effective in their opinion? Did it meet the goals and objectives in their estimation?
5.1.1. As well, the Instructional Designer also needs to evaluate the instruction in the view of the company/organization for whom they were developing the instruction- did it meet the client's expectations? Is the client statisfied with the end result?