Frankenstein and Blade Runner

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Frankenstein and Blade Runner by Mind Map: Frankenstein and Blade Runner

1. Plan

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. Goal 1

1.1.2. Goal 2

1.2. Rules

1.2.1. Session Rule 1

1.2.2. Session Rule 2

1.3. Define Problems

1.4. Capture Ideas

1.5. Prioritize Ideas

1.6. Define Action Points

2. Conformity and Differences

2.1. Abnormalities are not accepted by the society. The Replicants and the creature can never be members of the society.

2.2. Replicants especially, also they look human, they are rejected by the society just because they are not born into human beings but made into human beings.

3. Man and the Technology

3.1. Pollution

3.1.1. The advancement in technology results in the destruction of the environment in Blade Runners

3.1.2. Frankenstein

3.2. Dehumanizing

3.2.1. Idea 4

3.3. Knowledge doesn't not equal power

4. Feminism

4.1. Woman are victimized

4.2. Passivity

4.3. Subordination and deference

5. Revenge

5.1. Both the creature and the replicants realize their situation and later on become sympathetic.

5.2. Roy and the creature commit murder against the society and revenges the creator

5.3. Revenge becomes a cycle.