Critical friends - summary

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Critical friends - summary by Mind Map: Critical friends - summary

1. Works well!

1.1. Learning environment

1.1.1. Wiki

1.1.2. Skálholt location

1.2. Teaching

1.2.1. interactive teaching

1.2.2. Good presentations

1.2.3. Variable teaching methods

1.2.4. Good sessions, e.g. fish bowl and world cafe

1.3. Learning

1.3.1. learning by doing

1.3.2. High participation

1.4. Socializing

1.4.1. Fun!

1.4.2. Connections

1.4.3. Food excellent

1.4.4. Dinner/evening events

1.5. Content, focus

1.5.1. Useful, practical

1.5.2. Concepts

1.5.3. Real cases, concrete examples

1.5.4. Tools - methods, ideas

2. Could improve

2.1. Preparation

2.1.1. Earlier

2.2. Content

2.2.1. More examples from education/Iceland

2.3. Organization

2.3.1. Work sessions sometimes too long

2.3.2. More social built in?

2.3.3. Groups sometimes a bit too big

2.4. Specific sessions

2.4.1. World cafe Switch subjects? or shorter

2.4.2. Fish bowl A bit clearer guidelines for the case presenters Different level of ownership, relevance