Prime Minister (David Cameron ). the prime minister is the head of the government. he chooses all the ministers that are in control of the Public Services.
by Adam Ahmed
1. Defence Secratary (Phillip Hammond). he is the head of individual public services. he controls the armed forces although he does not have the right to decide to go to war. he is also in charge of the equipment,pensions and injuries.
1.1. ARMY. the british army defend and fight for britain. the Navy has 35000 people. the army has 101000 people. the RAF has 40000 and 85000 civilians.
1.1.1. Deffence Vetting Agency DVA. the DVA inspect all Public services making sure they are doing their job propely. they also check the applicants backgrounds for any criminal records. also any terrorist connections.
2. Secratary of State for communities and local Government (Eric Pickles MP). Eric Pickles is mostly incontrol of councils but also fire service.
2.1. Fire and Rescue Services (Bob Neill MP). Bob Neill is specifically Responsible for the Fire Service. he controls the overall payments, all the equipment, recruitment and their persons
2.1.1. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. this service has 44,000 fire officers working for them. 3.9 % of these fire officers are female. 3600 fire appliance North Yorkshire Fire Authority.Approving the Authority’s revenue and capital budget strategy, revenue and capital budgets, agreeing the level of precept and approving the Authority statement of accounts. Reviewing the authority’s current financial position compared with approved budgets.