Salary Negotiation Academy: A Potential Partnership between Ask a Manager and Salary Negotiators

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Salary Negotiation Academy: A Potential Partnership between Ask a Manager and Salary Negotiators by Mind Map: Salary Negotiation Academy: A Potential Partnership between Ask a Manager and Salary Negotiators

1. Pre-Launch

1.1. Content Creation

1.1.1. Gather/create negotiating scripts.

1.1.2. Gather/create negotiation case studies for role play.

1.1.3. Create videos on salary negotiation strategies to be viewed when people first sign up for the Academy in order to instruct them on good negotiation techniques.

1.1.4. Flesh out how the academy will function like a "game", what the levels and rewards will be.

1.2. Set up Infrastructure for Beta Version

1.2.1. Googe forms/docs

1.2.2. Email auto-responder sequence

1.2.3. Webpages to welcome, present videos, negotiation scripts, and role-playing scenarios.

1.3. Promotion

1.3.1. Recruit a group of Beta testers.

1.3.2. Collect emails of people who are interested in the launch.

2. Beta-Testing

2.1. Actively participate in the beta group, role playing negotiation scenarios.

2.2. Iron out how the community works, how one progresses through levels, and tweak content based on feedback.

2.3. Continue to promote launch date and gather emails.

3. Going Live

3.1. Actively promote membership

3.2. Actively participate in the community

3.3. Iron out any kinks

3.4. Develop more sophistcated software solution for community: video chats, levels, etc.