Classroom management French 101, 201

Classroom facilitation week 17 Pedagogy first!

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Classroom management French 101, 201 by Mind Map: Classroom management French 101, 201

1. Group Voice Boards

1.1. Internet assignment

2. Mapping of my classes: details for Week 17 Pedagogy First!

2.1. My Folders in Blackboard for Students: what they see.

2.1.1. Tests Individual Group

2.2. Individual Work

2.2.1. Espaces Supersite

2.2.2. Essay

2.2.3. Prezi, Power Point or a Video Presentation

2.2.4. Semester Final Project

2.2.5. Get your wheels turning: Oral Presentation

2.3. Group Work

2.3.1. Skits

2.4. Grades in Blackboard

3. Hybrid Class also means that we do the following besides the requirements....

3.1. TV5 Monde

3.1.1. International News

3.1.2. Prerequisites for these classes: None for French 101; 201 need French 102

3.2. Our Main Objective: to learn while having fun in French !

3.2.1. Task

3.2.2. Prerequisites

3.3. Field trip

4. Extra Credit

4.1. Blog

4.2. Reading to Children

4.3. Animations

5. Key to Success with Web Quizzes

5.1. Support help desk from school: tutorials

6. Getting hold of me