Sales Funnel across the buyer's journey

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Sales Funnel across the buyer's journey by Mind Map: Sales Funnel across the buyer's journey

1. unaware

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. unaware (stories & secrets) = focus on problems

1.1.2. Target = visit

1.1.3. Goal: raise awareness,

1.2. actions: you + them

1.2.1. Your buyer: unaware of two things: your company, and the fact that they have a need. At this stage, buyers are grappling with the following question: “how do I know if I’m interested if I don’t even know you exist?”

1.2.2. Your action: As a marketer, your job at this stage is to create awareness of your product, service, or company, so that your buyers begin to understand what you do, and how you can help them. Content should be focused on your buyer’s pain points — not your product or brand.

1.3. What content can we develop that is focused on demonstrating the problem/opportunity?

1.3.1. are you fed up with your electric bill ?

1.3.2. there are incentives, there is help,

1.3.3. What can i do to go green/carbon offset, go green

2. awareness

2.1. Goals

2.1.1. problem aware (benefits & anxieties) = focus on solutions

2.1.2. Target = lead

2.1.3. Goal: demonstrate value of solving problem

2.2. actions: you + them

2.2.1. Your buyers: becomes aware of pain; status quo loosens

2.2.2. Your actions: focus on problems and pain points. Use big-picture industry-focused content; entertain or inform with social media, advertising, sponsorships, PR/ Educate with live webinars, Q&A

2.3. What content can we develop that is focused on the value of solving the problem/seizing the opportunity?

2.3.1. value equation

2.3.2. doing nothing versus going solar

2.3.3. FOMO, I want and can do it

3. interest

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. solution aware (claims & proofs) = value & need

3.1.2. Goal: promote interest in finding solution, create engagement

3.1.3. Target= MQL

3.2. actions: you + them

3.2.1. Your buyer: gets interested in finding a solution, begins to discover trends, products, brands

3.2.2. Your actions: focus on solutions. Educate, help prospects evaluate criteria. White papers, ebooks, live and on-demand webinars, events, analyst reports, videos, reviews, checklists

3.3. What content can we develop that is focused on different solutions for different customers?

3.3.1. long term savings with utility escalations

3.3.2. The equity you build the long term investment

3.3.3. utility for doing good, get them emotional

4. consideration

4.1. Goals

4.1.1. product aware (discounts & deals) = solutions & features

4.1.2. Goal: foster comparisons

4.1.3. Target=SQL

4.2. actions: you + them

4.2.1. Your buyer: evaluates specific products and services; becomes willing to engage with sellers

4.2.2. Your actions: show them what it's like to work with you. demos, data sheets, trials, pricing, case studies, references, vendor comparisons, implementation data, webinars give people a sense of your expertise and communication style, and let them interact

4.3. What content can we develop that is focused on the value of Geostellar’s solution?

4.3.1. no nothiongversus going solar

4.3.2. value equation

4.3.3. process: differentiates from solar city, end to end trust

5. purchase

5.1. Goals

5.1.1. most aware (product & price) = evaluation

5.1.2. Goal: encourage a sale

5.1.3. Target = customer

5.2. actions: you + them

5.2.1. Your buyer: commits to a specific solution; justifies reasons for purchase

5.2.2. Your actions: moving in, promoting adoption and use, showing value, incentivizing loyalty

5.3. What content can we develop that is focused on how to evaluate Geostellar’s solution?

5.3.1. value of our company over the competitor

5.3.2. million dollar gurantee

5.3.3. transparancy

5.3.4. validate them, show them their bragging rights

6. post-purchase

6.1. Goals

6.1.1. Goal: customer becomes an advocate

6.1.2. Target=advocate

6.2. actions: you + them

6.2.1. Your actions: continues learning, loyalty programs, feedback loops. Regular customer webinars to introduce new features. Newsletter, emails, phone calls.

6.2.2. Your buyer: expects good product performance and great customer service; when customers engage actively and spread the word, they become great ambassadors who can continue the brand's sale cycle automatically

6.3. What content can we develop that is focused on enabling advocacy?

6.3.1. installers

6.3.2. local networks

6.3.3. community -- connection

6.3.4. tell their story

7. re-purchase

7.1. Goals

7.1.1. Goal: upgrade or expand product use

7.1.2. Target = repeat customer, partner, or pro

7.2. actions: you + them

7.2.1. Your buyer: may become interested in expanding use of goods and services

7.2.2. Your actions: stay in touch. Look for opportunities to upgrade or expand product use. Use webinars to introduce new products. Newsletters, emails, phone calls.

7.3. What content can we develop to upsell or resell?

7.3.1. continue the excitement

7.3.2. roi

7.3.3. get paid