1. Self-assessment and reflection
1.1. Self appraisal:
1.2. critically analyzing one's own skills, knowledge, and performance to identify areas for improvement.
1.3. Reflection:
1.4. Deeply consider learning experiences and their practical application to gain insights and learn from them.
1.5. Application:
1.5.1. Work environment: Regularly evaluate job performance, identify areas for improvement, and establish personal development goals.
1.5.2. Tools: Learning diaries, feedback sessions, and periodic self-assessments.
2. Continuous Learning and Lifelong Education
2.1. Work environment:
2.1.1. Establish clear and achievable objectives that guide professional development and continuous learning.
2.2. Herramientas:
2.2.1. SMART goal templates, project management software like Trello or Asana.
2.3. Continuous learning:
2.3.1. constantly acquire new knowledge and skills throughout professional life.
2.4. Permanent Education:
2.4.1. Regularly participate in formal and informal educational activities to improve job skills.
3. Use of Digital Technologies and Tools
3.1. Educational Technologies:
3.1.1. Use digital technologies and tools to facilitate and improve the learning process such as word, power point, you tube, zajuna, you tube.
3.2. Tools:
3.2.1. LMS (Learning Management Systems) such as Moodle, knowledge management systems such as Confluence, and productivity applications such as Microsoft Office Suite.
4. Mentoring and Coaching
4.1. Mentoring:
4.1.1. in the way instructors guide and support a trainee's professional development.
4.2. work environment
4.2.1. Seek mentors inside or outside the organization and participate in constant learning programs, tutorials.
5. Evaluation and Feedback
5.1. Feedback:
5.1.1. reviewing topics already seen and strengthening knowledge through readings, taking advantage of the resources that digital platforms provide us with on performance to promote development.
5.2. Work environment:
5.2.1. Feedback meetings, demanding my knowledge, being available to learn new things.