by Thanut Sripromma

1. Technology Trailblazers
1.1. AI Shugart
1.2. Mark Dean
2. Companies on the cutting edge
2.1. Seagate Technology
2.2. Sandisk Corporation
3. High-Tech Talk
3.1. DNS Servers: How Devices on the Internet Easily Locate
4. Optical Discs
4.1. Care of Optical Discs
4.2. CDs
5. Student Assignments
5.1. Chapter Review -keyterms -Checkpoint -Learn lt online -Problem Solving
6. Other Types of Storage
6.1. tape
6.2. magnetic stripe cards and smrat card
6.3. New node
6.4. Enterprise storage
7. Flash Memory Storage
7.1. Solid state drives
7.1.1. New node