Analysis of lyrics and poetry
by Tobias Rademacher

1. sense
1.1. types of sentences
1.1.1. hypotactical
1.1.2. paratactical
1.2. allusions
1.3. figures of speech
1.3.1. smilie
1.3.2. metaphor
1.3.3. personification
1.3.4. symbol
1.3.5. synecdoche
1.4. grammatical tenes
1.5. point of view
1.6. hyperbol/exaggeration
2. comment/evaluation
2.1. classification
2.2. evaluation
2.2.1. convincing?
2.2.2. conveying the message?
2.3. final message
2.4. effect to reader/listener
3. general
3.1. register
3.1.1. archaric
3.1.2. poetic
3.1.3. slang
3.1.4. colloquial
3.2. singers/speakers intention
3.3. situation/topic
3.4. theme
3.4.1. leitmotf
3.5. melody
4. structure
4.1. general
4.1.1. lines
4.1.2. stanzas
4.1.3. chorus
4.1.4. puncation?
4.1.5. refrain
4.1.6. ejambements
4.2. illustration
4.3. constrasts/antitheis
4.4. ryhme scheme
4.4.1. pair ("aa" "bb" "cc")
4.4.2. cross ("abab")
4.4.3. enclosed ("abba")
4.5. free verse
4.6. metre
4.6.1. iamb pentameter trimeter ballad? blanc verse
4.6.2. anapest
4.6.3. trochee
4.6.4. dactyle
5. sound
5.1. analysis
5.1.1. stress/emphasis
5.1.2. function/effect
5.2. devices
5.2.1. alliteration
5.2.2. ryhmes / asonances (imperfect ryhmes)
5.2.3. onomatopoeia
5.2.4. rythmn
5.2.5. anaphora