NewsMap (Friday morning, Sep 18, 2009)

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NewsMap (Friday morning, Sep 18, 2009) by Mind Map: NewsMap (Friday morning, Sep 18, 2009)

1. HLTH To Sell Porous Plastic Products Unit To Aurora Capital For $142 Mln

1.1. Turbo Chart: Chart HLTH stock price

1.2. Compar-O-Matic: Compare HTLH to competitors

1.3. Number Cruncher: Analyze HLTH financial statements

2. Focus Media Holding Slips To Loss In Q2; Guides Q3

2.1. Turbo Chart: Chart analyst opinion on Focus Media

2.2. Compar-O-Matic: Compare Focus Media to competitors

3. BoE's Miles: British Economy To Grow In Coming Months

3.1. List Snapshot: A list of British companies trading on U.S. markets

3.2. News Viewer: Latest news affecting British companies trading on U.S. markets

3.3. Compar-O-Matic: Find outperforming British stocks

4. Stocks Seeing Modest Strength In Early Trading

4.1. Super Screener: The top performing stocks over the last month

4.2. Super Screener: Stocks trading near their highs for the year

5. Carlisle Companies Acquires Jerrik

5.1. Turbo Chart: See how Carlisle's stock price is reacting to the news

5.2. Compar-O-Matic: Compare analyst opinion on Carlisle