Top companies doing extremely well

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Top companies doing extremely well by Mind Map: Top companies doing extremely well

1. Cafe

1.1. HImalayan Java

1.2. oppazcoffee

1.3. Chiya Adda

2. What do they offer?

2.1. Coffee,Tea ,Food and Beverages

2.2. good ambience

2.3. emphasis on nepali coffee and tea

3. Who is their customer avatar?

3.1. 15-40 years

3.2. Both male and female

3.3. problem

3.3.1. finding quality palce for meeting or socializing

3.3.2. Increasing spending habbit of young people

3.3.3. Brand awareness and social media influence

4. why are they good at marketing and sales?

4.1. social media marketing

4.1.1. content marekting

4.1.2. influencer marketing

4.1.3. viral marketing

4.2. location at the prime footfall areas

4.2.1. Basantapur

4.2.2. patan

4.2.3. baneshowr

4.2.4. tripureshowr

4.3. special offer

4.3.1. buy 1 get 1 free

4.3.2. opaz atm win

4.4. creating brand with their quality service