Discovering Our World (Module 2)

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Discovering Our World (Module 2) by Mind Map: Discovering Our World (Module 2)

1. Explore

1.1. classify

1.1.1. to seperate based on an attribute seperating marbles by their color seperating ladybugs based on how many dots they have on their wings

1.2. investigate

1.2.1. to look closely at something for different details

1.3. identify

1.3.1. to see something and notice what is the same and different about it

1.4. invent

1.4.1. to make or create something NEW, something that has not been created or invented before

1.5. examine

1.5.1. to look at something closely, to give more attention to something

1.6. record

1.6.1. to write down or copy something in writing I will record my observations.

2. matter (states of matter)

2.1. solid

2.1.1. salt

2.1.2. rock

2.1.3. ice cube

2.2. liquid

2.2.1. water

2.2.2. milk

2.2.3. oil

2.3. gas

2.3.1. smoke comes from burning stuff

2.3.2. helium helps balloons float

2.3.3. oxygen what humans and most animals breathe IN

3. We think of:

3.1. learn

3.2. find out something

3.3. find

3.4. discover

3.5. world

3.6. animals

3.7. experiment

3.8. look

3.9. five senses

4. Five Senses

4.1. see/look

4.2. taste

4.3. touch

4.4. smell

4.5. hear