Fundraising: Marketing

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Fundraising: Marketing by Mind Map: Fundraising: Marketing

1. Fundraising Fanatics

1.1. How to sell causes for donations...

1.2. Money will go towards TAOTS Arts

1.3. Study Marketing Campaigns

1.4. Fundraising Fair

1.5. WEEK 3 - Social Campaign 1

2. How do you bring awareness to a cause?

2.1. Connect to people in need

2.2. health crisis

2.3. natural disasters

2.4. community challenges

2.5. highlight specific group you are helping

3. Mentor texts: Looking at other fundraising examples.



3.3. Podcast interview

3.4. Video

3.5. How are they using

3.6. Hand made

3.7. Where can you reach our audience

4. Understanding causes...

4.1. Looking