What are the Characteristics, Perspectives, and Motivations of a Type Nine Person, and How Will I...

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What are the Characteristics, Perspectives, and Motivations of a Type Nine Person, and How Will I, as a Type 6 Leader, Leverage my Relationship with Type Nine Persons by Mind Map: What are the Characteristics, Perspectives, and Motivations of a Type Nine Person, and How Will I, as a Type 6 Leader, Leverage my Relationship with Type Nine Persons

1. Shadow Side

1.1. Passive

1.1.1. Ignores problems Stubborn

2. Relationship Management

2.1. Leader to leader

2.1.1. Encouraging

2.2. Leader to follower

2.2.1. Set goals

2.2.2. Engaging

2.3. Follower to leader

2.3.1. Safe space

3. Social Awareness

3.1. Helpful lanaguage

3.1.1. Calmness Effect Compassion

3.1.2. Valued

3.2. Praise

4. Integration

4.1. Proactive

4.2. Engaged

5. Motivations

5.1. Healthy

5.1.1. Unhealthy

5.2. Harmony

5.3. Unity

5.4. Inner peace

6. Characteristics

6.1. Peaceful

6.2. Supportive

6.3. Easygoing

6.4. Mediator