User Experience Design

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User Experience Design by Mind Map: User Experience Design

1. New node

2. **User experience** describes the overall expierience with a product or service

2.1. **UX Design** is meant to cover specifically needs of customers through quality and efficiency.

3. Digital

3.1. **Website, app and software** design in cooperation with UI designers.

3.2. **Voice design,** voice interfaces in products like Amazon Alexa.

3.3. **Virtual Reality** and augmented reality.

4. Non-digital

4.1. Anything designed to be used by people: packagings, chair wheels, door design, etc.

5. Design should be

5.1. Efficient

5.2. Accesible

5.3. Easy

5.4. Intuitive

5.5. Efortless

5.6. Smooth

6. Universal design

6.1. Designing and building everything to be accessed, enjoyed and understood to its foolest extent to everyone.

7. Multidisciplinary

7.1. Visual Design

7.2. Programming

7.3. Psychology

7.4. Interaction Design

8. Tasks

8.1. Creating personas

8.2. Designing wireframes

8.3. Designing interactive prototypes

8.4. Testing designs