Voucher Testing V2 Testing

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Voucher Testing V2 Testing by Mind Map: Voucher Testing V2 Testing

1. Popup Qrcode

1.1. Responsiveness issue

2. Train :train2:

2.1. OuiGO

2.1.1. Less than 4 days Voucher not available on My trips Vouchers are sent to booker

2.1.2. More than 4 days Message should be displayed, indicating that tickets will be issued few daays before deârture

2.1.3. Allé less than 4 days and return more than 4 days Qrcode for the leg less than 4 days and message for the leg more than 4 days Génération du Qrcode quand le départ est dans moins de 4 jours test: du 11 au 13 Janvier Paris => Lyon

2.1.4. Mobile :iphone:

2.1.5. UK :gb:

2.1.6. French :gb:

2.1.7. For other Vouchers are sent to traveler

2.1.8. Multipax My trips booker: access to all e-ticket & voucher Each pax has access to his own e-ticket & voucher Voucher & e-ticket are sent to each pax including de booker

2.2. SNCF/TER/Inoui & OuiGO same leg

2.2.1. Less than 4 days Billet sncf/ter ok Voucher in my trips E-ticket & voucher received by email

2.2.2. More than 4 days Message should be displayed, indicating that tickets will be issued few daays before departure SNCF/Inoui/TER tickets will be also sent when OuiGO will be issued No warning and e-ticket are not issued (no notification by definition) }, "description": "SNCFETicket", "code": "urn:trainline:sncf:delmtd:eticket" }, "state": "fulfilled

2.3. SNCF/TER/Inoui & OuiGO Two different legs

2.3.1. Less than 4 days Billet sncf/ter ok Voucher OuiGO missing in my trips E-ticket & voucher received by email

2.3.2. More than 4 days Message should be displayed, indicating that tickets OUIGO will be issued few daays before departure SNCF/Inoui/TER tickets will be issued right away? No warning and no sncf issued

2.4. Multipax OuiGO

2.5. SNCB :flag-be:

2.5.1. E-ticket/voucher are not generated }, "state": "fulfilling" },

2.6. Deutsh bahn :de:

2.6.1. QRcode is missing on voucher

3. Flight :airplane:

3.1. UK :gb: class is not translated

3.2. Mobile :iphone:

3.3. Voucher

3.3.1. Voucher available on My trips

3.3.2. Vouchet attached to email

3.3.3. UK :gb:

3.3.4. Content

3.4. Multipax

3.5. icon airlines

3.6. Label changement d'aéroport

3.6.1. missing also in my trips

3.7. Label arrive le jour d'après ou +J

3.8. Model d'avion (manque le constructeur)

4. Hotel :hotel:

4.1. UK :gb:

4.2. French :gb:

4.3. Mobile :iphone:

4.4. Booking.com

4.5. Hcorpo

4.6. Hotelbed

5. Car :racing_car:

5.1. UK :gb:

5.2. French :gb:

5.3. Mobile :iphone:

6. Cancellation

6.1. E-ticket & voucher should not be available