Stagecoach Music Festival

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Stagecoach Music Festival by Mind Map: Stagecoach Music Festival

1. Transit

1.1. Air

1.1.1. Planes Land in LAX or Palm Springs

1.2. Road

1.2.1. Uber

1.2.2. Taxi

1.2.3. Rideshares

1.2.4. Shuttle

2. Audience

2.1. Around 80,000 Attendees

2.1.1. Familes

2.1.2. Young Adults

2.1.3. Country Music Fans

3. Suppliers

3.1. Goldenvoice

3.1.1. Stagecoach organizer

3.2. Sponsorships

3.2.1. Twisted Tea

3.2.2. American Express

3.2.3. T-Mobile

3.2.4. Yellowstone

3.3. Vendors

3.3.1. Food Trucks

3.3.2. Artists Merch

3.3.3. Small Businesses

4. Tickets

4.1. Individual Artists Social Media

4.2. Ticketmaster

4.3. Stagecoach Website

4.4. VIP

4.4.1. Lounges

4.4.2. Closer to Stage

4.4.3. Extra Perks

5. Employees

5.1. Food Vendors at Food Stands

5.2. Cleaning Crew

5.3. Ticket Scanners

5.4. Security

6. Push Factors

7. Tourists Origin

7.1. Surrounding Areas

7.1.1. California

7.1.2. Arizona

7.1.3. Nevada

7.2. International/Colder Climates

7.2.1. Canada, Mexico

7.2.2. Midwest

8. Push Factors

8.1. Love Country Music

8.2. Travel

8.3. Meet people that love country music

9. Tourists Destination Region

9.1. California

9.1.1. Indio Hot Climate

9.2. Festival

9.2.1. Music Country

10. Destination Accomodations

10.1. Hotels

10.1.1. Hilton

10.1.2. Best Western

10.1.3. Marriot

10.2. AirBnBs

10.3. Campgrounds

11. Pull Factors