My Ideal Relationship

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My Ideal Relationship by Mind Map: My Ideal Relationship

1. Activities I Enjoy

1.1. Reading

1.2. Writing

1.3. Researching

1.4. Cooking/Baking

1.5. Taking walks in the woods

1.6. Having 'alone time'

1.7. Watching movies

1.7.1. Especially thought-provoking ones, tragedies, or ones based on my favorite novels

1.8. Playing video games

1.9. Developing my characters

1.10. Being Productive

2. Traits I Find Attractive

2.1. Good listener

2.2. Sympathetic

2.3. Understanding

2.4. Shows interest

2.5. Open-minded

2.6. Loving

2.7. Patient

2.8. Non-confrontational (wants to talk things out instead of fight)

2.9. Trust-worthy

2.10. Unconditional love

2.11. Accepting

3. Physical Features I Find Appealing

3.1. Eyes

3.2. Smile

3.3. Dark hair

3.4. Kissable Lips

3.5. Nice Voice

4. Things I Want in the Future

4.1. Revisit Florence/Europe

4.2. Learn Italian and French

4.3. Plant a rose garden

4.4. Read all my books

4.5. See a play

4.6. Write a novella/novel

4.7. Write a character-guide

4.8. Live in the country

4.9. A long-lasting relationship