The Awakening Webinar Sant Qiu 24 May 2014

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The Awakening Webinar Sant Qiu 24 May 2014 by Mind Map: The Awakening Webinar Sant Qiu 24 May 2014

1. 4 critical indicators if the market is right?

1.1. Is the market big enough?

1.2. Is the market healthy?

1.3. Is the market a FAD?

1.3.1. short term trend

1.3.2. become very hot quickly and also die down quickly

1.4. Can we actually provide a differentiation

1.5. Examples like the Real Estate (Zest Academy)

2. The more you tell

2.1. The more you Sell

2.2. Doesn't mean you write fluff / rubbish

2.3. Write as long as you need to tell the story

2.4. But not more than that

2.5. Whatever that is fluff, not useful to bring closer to the sale, take it out

2.6. If size is constrain, summarize it even more

2.7. boil down to single bullet point

3. MCM

3.1. Market

3.1.1. what is the market looking

3.2. Competitors

3.2.1. what is the market already saying

3.2.2. for creating a differentiation

3.2.3. dont be seen as a copycat

3.3. Message

4. Majority of marketing sucks

4.1. 98% of the money spend is wasted

4.2. don't spend money / burning money without getting ROI

4.3. Advertisement and marketing are meant to SELL

4.4. If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative

5. 5 important elements of a persuasive message

5.1. mention who you are

5.1.1. how to establish our background to create credibility

5.1.2. may not be your own experience or results

5.1.3. get authority endorsement from authority figure in the industry

5.1.4. use the research in the market place to substantiate your claim

5.1.5. credibility come from the research found online

5.1.6. use statistics / data to your advantage

5.2. this is what i have for you

5.3. this is why it's important for you

5.4. This is why you need it NOW

5.5. and here's what you need to DO

6. Direct Response Advertisement

6.1. Learn the way of writing direct response copywriting

6.2. Books?

7. Approaches

7.1. Differentiating Idea

7.1.1. Be different in a meaningful way

7.1.2. That will make you unique / superior

7.1.3. In the minds of the market

7.1.4. First paragraph is the most important litmus test to attract attention The headline The first sentence will be the headline eg. in facebook Engaging enough Hook them to read on more

7.1.5. "Get the results you want in life.." adam khoo's first Ad Headline Had 300 over calls Not going to work as effective now because market changes competition that has entered the market

7.1.6. It is the ability to CONNECT and TOUCH people in deep and significant level

7.1.7. Words used to resonate with the target market eg. Leaders This is speaking to me So they will follow more with the line of thought buy in to the idea

7.1.8. Because you are speaking directly to them

7.1.9. What is the common mindset they may have What is their established truth Propose an alternative view to support the marketing of our product and services

7.2. Introducing a new perspective

7.2.1. Provide an additional point of view to a Common truth / established practice

7.2.2. Introducing something the market has not thought about or not acustomed to

7.2.3. Will be seen as a leader / thought leader

7.3. Exclusivity

7.3.1. Make them desire something that is seemingly out of reach

7.3.2. Similar to what the luxury brands are doing eg. LV

7.3.3. They don't take you for granted

7.3.4. Appreciate your services more

7.4. Focus on One Attribute

7.4.1. choose one differentiation characteristic

7.4.2. and highlight it

7.4.3. At 60 miles an hour, the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock What makes Rolls-Royce the best car in the world It's no magic about it It's merely patient attention to detail

7.4.4. Rest of the paragraph explains why the headline is true because its fully tested because of xxx

7.5. Admit a Flaw

7.5.1. We pluck the lemons, you get the plums

7.5.2. Every one out of 50 is rejected

7.5.3. Use flaw to communicate detail / strict / high pride about their product they produce

7.6. Using Contrast to bring out the differentiation

7.6.1. Compare 2 opposite things / seemingly similar things that are Different

7.6.2. Everything is the same suddenly there is a twist / contrast create a curiousity in the readers mind So what is the difference??? Have you ever wondered???

7.6.3. The story of two men who fought in the civil war

7.6.4. When there is a contrast opportunity to explain the differentiation one became successful by taking advantage

7.6.5. Is there something here to create the contrast?

7.6.6. Model after something

7.6.7. I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft What is the difference??? Why??? How can I achieve??

7.7. Destroying a Myth

7.7.1. Removing the established accepted truth & introducing a new truth

7.7.2. destroy the truth

7.7.3. It's the wrong way looking at things

7.7.4. Introducing a new truth

8. Questions & Answers

8.1. Techniques use to understand the market

8.1.1. being on the ground to be in touch with the customers

8.1.2. use common language

8.1.3. avoid jargons trying to sound corporate speak cordially for your perusal not as useful when it comes to persuasion distancing

8.1.4. Be connected with the user

8.1.5. Use plain english

8.1.6. keywords that is accepted by the niche keywords that is relevant in the industry

8.1.7. Using common patterns from other articles

8.2. Targeting B2B

8.2.1. questions will be different

8.2.2. eg. demographics how big is the company whats their revenue base in Singapore

8.2.3. psychographic what kind of causes is the company support

8.3. Re-position yourself to differentiate

8.3.1. instead of being an agent to an Investor's Adviser

8.3.2. position in another way

8.3.3. communicating that message getting media exposure create awareness in the media

8.3.4. eg. I'm a profit strategist instead of marketing consultant help SMEs to gain profits within 90 days or less

8.3.5. Find an area of focus To appear differently

9. 5 Level of Awareness of your Market!

9.1. so you know how to communicate to them directly

9.2. so as to not miscommunicate

9.3. target market vs your communication message

9.4. 1. UNAWARE

9.4.1. Stories and secrets (indirect approach)

9.4.2. metaphors

9.4.3. create the market education

9.4.4. Not recommended Take too long to market / educate them Very costly

9.4.5. For SME, avoid this market

9.4.6. Very costly to educate

9.5. 2. Problem Aware: Benefits - Remove pain, get pleasure

9.5.1. Interesting to go into

9.5.2. People already aware of the pain

9.5.3. Easier to market to them / sell to them

9.5.4. Already have something to solve but not sure how to solve it

9.5.5. So easy for them to want to buy

9.6. 3. Solution Aware

9.6.1. Claims backed up with proof

9.6.2. Already know of the solutions available

9.6.3. Explain the claims back it up with proof

9.6.4. As there is more competition in the market, market becomes solution aware

9.6.5. The need to differentiate your solution

9.6.6. Lose 3 inches in 3 weeks with some secrets eg. using some thermal heating gadget massage technique

9.6.7. The different methodology is the differentiation of solution

9.7. 3. Product Aware

9.7.1. Market tend to be attracted to discounts, special deals

9.7.2. User already knows the market, solutions available

9.7.3. All the available variations

9.8. 4. Most Aware

9.8.1. Product and price

9.8.2. direct approach / commodity

9.8.3. Already know the market rate

9.8.4. Alot of business think they are in this 5th stage

9.8.5. this is not necessary true

9.8.6. Instead of fighting on price alone Go back to stage 2 or 3 Re-introduce your differentiation

10. Elements of Copywriting

10.1. What are your goals

10.1.1. what do you want to achieve with your copy

10.1.2. not do too many things with 1 marketing material

10.2. Who is your target market?

10.2.1. Who are they?

10.2.2. What are their likes, priorities, aspirations?

10.2.3. What are their dislikes, worries, fears?

10.3. 3 ways to segment your market

10.3.1. Geographic segmentation Useful for people who have retail outlet higher chance for people nearby to reach you over far away

10.3.2. Demographics Average age Predominate sex Predominate education level Hobby / hobbies Most likely occupation Marital status Financial or economic condition

10.3.3. Psychographics Major fears, worries, concerns Something that affects their emotions Personal aspirations, goals, objectives, desires Political views

10.4. Features

10.4.1. Product features

10.4.2. services

10.4.3. What does the product / service do?

10.4.4. How does it work?

10.4.5. What is new / different or unique about it?

10.4.6. Differentiation about the product / service

10.4.7. Nowadays people buy differentiation They buy because you are "different" More and more of the same things are available easily Why would you want to choose one place over another?

10.5. Benefits

10.5.1. How does the features related to the market's needs and desires?

10.5.2. How wil the product or service help them?

10.6. What is your strategy

10.6.1. how are you going to present the features in order to achieve your goals

10.6.2. How do you communicate your benefits to the marketplace

10.6.3. So they understand it easily, clearly and want to buy from you

10.6.4. Which features / benefits are MOST important and must be highlighted?

10.6.5. Others try to cover everything

10.6.6. If you try to appeal to everyone, you appeal to no one

10.7. What is the desired market reaction

10.7.1. what do you want them to think and feel

10.7.2. When they see your copy