Software Development Requirements

Getting a clearer idea of what is involved in building software requirements. It's a complex multistage process that is often heavily systematised.

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Software Development Requirements by Mind Map: Software Development Requirements

1. Types of project

1.1. Small

1.1.1. Tweak software

1.1.2. Minor feature

1.1.3. minor refactor

1.2. Medium

1.2.1. build new module

1.2.2. build reports

1.3. Large

1.3.1. New website

1.3.2. New application

1.3.3. Rebuild/reimplement existing

2. What is the purpose of the project/task

2.1. Data management

2.2. Social networking

2.3. many, many other problem domains...

3. Analysis

3.1. Benefits to user

3.2. Benefits to provider

3.3. Business analysis

3.3.1. SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

3.3.2. BRAN Benefits Risks Alternatives Nothing

3.4. Timelines

3.4.1. Scheduling

3.4.2. Staging

3.4.3. Priorities

3.5. Project

3.5.1. Goals

3.5.2. Milestones

3.5.3. Phased development

3.5.4. Delivery criteria

4. Who will use it

4.1. Internal users

4.2. External users

4.3. Both Int/Ext users

5. Security

5.1. Simple logins

5.2. SSL

5.3. Two factor Auth

6. Who are the Stakeholders?

6.1. Internal

6.1.1. CEO/board

6.1.2. Business managers

6.1.3. Internal Users

6.2. External

6.2.1. Business Clients

6.2.2. Private clients

6.2.3. General public

7. What type of interface?

7.1. Traditional Application

7.2. Browser App

7.3. Phone App

7.4. Web 'App'

8. What development methodology?

8.1. Agile

8.2. Xtreme

8.3. Prince2

8.4. there are other methodologies...

9. What language will it be written in

9.1. Java

9.2. PHP

9.3. C#

9.4. ColdFusion

10. Data storage

10.1. What database system

10.1.1. MySql

10.1.2. Postgres

10.1.3. SQL Server

10.1.4. Oracle

10.1.5. Firebird

10.2. Schema design

11. Testing

11.1. Developer testing

11.2. User testing

11.2.1. are users involved in development?