My future town

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My future town by Mind Map: My future town

1. Renowables resources

1.1. big transparent tube

1.1.1. air energy

1.1.2. solar panel

1.1.3. mill

1.1.4. depent of the weather heat wind rain flash of lightnight

2. Transport

2.1. Fly´s cars

2.2. normal´s cars

2.3. Planes

2.4. Bikes

2.5. Train

2.6. motorbikes

3. Security

3.1. traffic light

3.2. traffic signal

4. Music

4.1. Teather

4.2. pop

4.3. jass

4.4. pop rock

5. People

5.1. robots

5.1.1. help the people

5.1.2. work

5.1.3. transport

6. The name

6.1. Excelsior twon

7. Builts

7.1. Hospital

7.2. Banks

7.3. Supermarkets

7.4. Restaurants

7.5. Pharmacy

7.6. School

7.7. High School

7.8. Shops

7.8.1. cloths

7.8.2. cholls

7.8.3. drinks

7.8.4. meat

7.8.5. fish

7.9. Hotels

7.10. Gas station

7.11. Church

7.12. University

7.13. Park

7.14. Comercial centre

7.15. Sport centre

7.16. Swimmingpool

7.17. town hall

7.18. kindergarden

7.19. fireman´s park

7.20. police station

7.21. Houses

7.22. bus station

7.23. library

7.24. Cinema