Assessed Curriculum

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Assessed Curriculum por Mind Map: Assessed Curriculum

1. Formative Assessment

1.1. During a unit

1.2. Purpose: inform instruction

1.3. Informs the taught curriculum

1.4. Key questions:

1.4.1. What have we learned so far?

1.4.2. Have the learning activities we've done so far been effective?

1.4.3. Should we modify the upcoming learning activities?

2. Summative Assessment

2.1. After a unit

2.2. Purpose: measure what students learned

2.3. Determines which concepts need to be revisited later in the year

2.4. Informs the written and taught curriculum for the following year

2.5. Key questions:

2.5.1. What did we learn in this unit?

2.5.2. Were the learning activities effective?

2.5.3. Did we meet our goals for the unit?

2.5.4. What do we need to review (that students haven't yet learned)?

2.5.5. What should we change about this unit for next year?

3. Pre-Assessment

3.1. Before a unit

3.2. Purpose: find what students already know

3.3. Informs the written and taught curriculum

3.4. Key questions:

3.4.1. What do we already know?

3.4.2. What do we want to learn?

3.4.3. What learning activities will help us reach our goals?

3.4.4. What teaching methods will be most effective with this group of learners?

4. Components of All Types of Assessment

4.1. Can be quantitative or qualitative

4.2. Can be formal or informal

4.3. Can be self-assessed or teacher-assessed

4.4. Formal assessments should be standardized across grade level teams, and sometimes, grade-to-grade (as in DRAs) so data can be analyzed horizontally and vertically

4.5. Data should be actively reviewed by teachers and teams to improve planning and instruction