1. Mariette: Paper
1.1. Make a connection with everyday life
1.1.1. With HOME Research about Everyday Science Class program in Korean (Miyung et all., 2011) says that the connection between science and everyday life situations is made by bringing objects of everyday life and explain to children where and how a certain material is commonly used. Ex: Ask the pupils to bring items from home that are made out of paper and discuss their use
1.1.2. With close by environment Teach where do materials come from? concept of Raw Material. Wood -> Paper Activity in nearby forest: Pupils will visually encounter the link between amount of tree needed and amount of paper produced Field trip: According to Coertjens et all. (2010), field trip is one example of constructivist method and positively influenced both environmental knowledge and attitudes => PAPER FACTORY: process knowledge and Finnish culture knowledge (Finnish Board of education, 2004)
1.2. Hands-on activity with everyday materials
1.2.1. Research about school influence on pupil's environment awareness claims that constructivist teaching enhances environmental awareness and attitudes (Coertjens et all., 2010)
1.2.2. Ex: make your own sheet of recycled paper out of old newspaper Activity where pupils learn the process of producing paper and the simple ingredients present in their everyday life needed (newspaper + water)
1.3. Link with school life
1.3.1. Finnish Curriculum (2016): pupils should be able to influence the school life and take part in decisions Relfection of school use of paper Project: how to improve school paper use policies and develop pupils and staff's environmental awareness?
2. In General, Didactics (Laura)
2.1. HOW IS THIS INCLUDED IN THE CURRICULUM IN GENERAL? (Finnish National Core Curriculum 2004)
2.1.1. Integration and cross-curricular themes Growth as a person: The objectives and core contents include ethical and responsible actions. Responsibility for the environment, well-being and sustainable future: As part of the cross-curricular themes this should be included in all of the subjects taught in school --> Environmental sciences is one good and easy way to include it in teaching Future oriented thinking, being environmentally conscious citizen
2.1.2. Envronmental and Natural Sciences "The pupils will learn to protect nature and to save the natural resources" Core contents Immediate environment Substances around us INTERPRETATION: The curriculum takes sustainable development and responsible use of resources into account, as well as the immediate environment where these kinds of actions are easy to make
2.2. THE LINK BETWEEN THE EVERYDAY LIFE CONTEXT, SUSTAINABLE USE OF RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES: Environmental sciences is easy to link to sustainable use of resources, sustainable development and recycling. By teaching these issues pupils can learn to care for the environment in a global level and at the same time understand that this caring can be done in the immediate environment through actions, daily choices, ways of living and using resources in a sustainable way.
2.3. A lot of possibilities and tools to teach sustainable use of resources can be found, for example http://www.maailmankoulu.fi/node/66
3. References: - Aho. 1998. The theoretical and practical basis for environmental teaching and learning for sustainable development. In: Ahlberg, Filho. 1998. Environmental education for Sustainability: Good environment, good life. Germany. -Anna Uitto, Kalle Juuti, Jari Lavonen and Veijo Meisalo (2006) Students' interest in biology and their out-of-school experiences, Journal of Biological Education, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp124-129 - Coertjens, L. , Boewe-de Pauw, J. , De Maeyer, S., & Van Petegem, P., (2010). Do schools make a difference in their students' environmental attitudes and awareness? Evidence from Pisa 2006. International journal of science and mathematics education. Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 497-522. -Emily J. North & Rolf U. Halden (2013) Plastics and environmental health: the road ahead, Reviews on Environmental Health. Volume 28, Issue 1, pp 1–8 - Hackling. 2012. Composting in Schools. London. Retrieved 11/2014. http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/schools-composting-pack.pdf.pdf - Jose G.B. Derraik (2002) The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review, Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume44, Issue 9, pp 842–852 - Kaivola &, Rikkinen. 2003. Nuoret ympäristöissään. Tammer-paino, Tampere. - Kara, Kanerva, Karkela. 1992. Tutki ympäristöäsi. WSOY, Juva. - Mijung, K., Heesook, Y., Young, R. & Jinwoong S. (2011). The dynamics of learning science in everyday contexts: a case study of everyday science class in Korea. International journal of science and mathematics education. Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 71-97. - Finnish National Board of Education, (2004) Finnish National Core Curriculum. Opetushallitus. - Rauhankasvatusinstituutti. (n.d.) Ympäristökasvatus. Maailmankoulu. Retrieved 11/2014 from: http://www.maailmankoulu.fi/node/66 - UNICEF (2000), Retrieved 11/2014 http://www.unicef.org/teachers/learner/exp.htm
4. Siiri: Organic waste (Biowaste)
4.1. Connection with everyday life
4.1.1. With home Discovering how organic waste at home is used (is it thrown away, composted, or collected to biowaste recycling), how much of it is produced in a family. Understanding that many things produce biowaste, and it is important to recycle it (NCC, 2004, 170-179)
4.1.2. With close by environment of school - discovering and investigating the immediate environment Man-made environment: organic waste collections, how is the waste treated and where (-> field trip to the landfill) Nature: How composting works in nature, taking a walk around close by natural environment and discussing (eg. where the extra grass "disappears" when it is cut)
4.2. Hands-on activity
4.2.1. Using organic waste in a compost Discovering the compost process in school: Experiment of making a compost box and using the organic waste from school surroundings for it http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/schools-composting-pack.pdf.pdf Following the progression in a compost: - Observation should be at least 1 month - Following eg. the temperature, smell, functioning (is content too wet or dense), what to put in the compost and in which ratio. - The produced soil can be tested by planting seeds in it in spring (Kara, Kanerva, Karkela. 1992. 83)
4.2.2. Fied trip to a landfill (kaatopaikka) - going further from the immediate environment of the school Getting to hear and see how the landfills process the biowaste, and what are the benefits Pupils will understand the importance of recycling their organic waste (a part of sustainable living) (NCC, 2004, 170-9)
4.3. Link with school life
4.3.1. Finnish National Core Curriculum 2004: Environmental and Natural Studies (p. 170-179) Grades 5-6, (p.176-9) - Instruction emphasizes responsibility & protection of nature (understanding the importance of recycling organic waste) - Nature study skills: Pupils will know how to describe simple investigations, and its results, performed concerning nature (compost experiment) Grades 1-4 (p. 170-5) - Starting point of studies: pupils' existing knowledge of phenomena and events connected to their lives. - Obtaining information through observing nature and making small experiments (compost experiment) - The immediate environment studied - Knowing how to recycle Inquiry and problem based learning is emphasized, also making a positive relationship with nature and protecting it Interdisciplinary topic of "Responsibility of nature, well-being and sustainable future" (NCC, 2004, 41)
4.3.2. Discovering how organic waste is recycled at school
4.3.3. Science has a leading role in studying the relationship between humankind and the nature. The concept of sustainable development has to be integrated in all school work, where students will get knowledge, be active and take the role of leading a sustainable life. The starting point should be in close, meaningful environments (Kaivola, Riikkinen. 2003. 263-264)
4.3.4. It is important for students to understand that everybody can have an effect on bettering the environment. Environmental education’s, where environmental pedagogy is used, crucial goals are increasing pro-environmental actions in everyday life and affecting the whole lifestyle, which all is built on understanding, attitudes and values. (Aho. 1998. 144)
5. Petra: Water
5.1. Connection with everyday life
5.1.1. Home Find out how much water is used at home (from wate bill, or water meter), is it a lot? Is it above average or not?
5.1.2. School Field trip to water cleaning thing place, how much dirty water comes through, and so on? Seeing how much water is wasted, how much it has to be cleaned and how long the process takes.
5.2. Hands-on experience
5.2.1. A school project on water refineries - how to filter water thorugh soil (natural), a coffee filter paper (man-made)... Basically a hands - on experience on how long the process of cleaning dirt and other impurities from water takes in real life. Children learn best when doing things, not by being passive listeners (UNICEF)
5.3. Link to school life
5.3.1. National core curriculum: -Children should learn to preserve nature and save energy resources - Learn about everyday objects and materials and how to use them in a preservative manner
5.3.2. How much water is used at school? A newsletter project on how the amount of water used could be reduced. Children could write a newsletter that they post on walls or give out to other students to reduce the amount of water used.
6. Masaki: Plastic
6.1. Connection with everyday life
6.1.1. Home Investigating how much we use plastic in daily life and how much of it isthrown away as weste. Investigating the ways to reduce use of plastic in home.
6.1.2. School Considering what kinds of plastic we use and how often we use plastic in school.
6.2. Hands-on activity
6.2.1. Gathering plastic trash around immediate environment; understanding what will happen if plastic is left in the nature. Out-of-school nature experiences were the most important factor correlating with interest in biology (Anna et al., 2006).
6.2.2. Fieldwork at shops. Going to shops and thinking about recycling. Ex) Using own shopping bags/ Recycling plastic bottles
6.3. Link with school
6.3.1. Finnish National Curriculum Grade 1-4, (p171) CORE CONTENTS: The pupils will know substance and materials that are part of everyday life; their recycling and conservative use. Grade 1-4 ,(p170) OBJECTIVES: The pupils will learn to obtain information about nature and the environment by observing, investing, and using variety of source materials. Grade 1-4 ,(p170) OBJECTIVES: The pupils will learn to perform simple scientific experiments.
6.3.2. Learning the problem regarding to use of plastic by using informrmation sources. ex)Plastic debris in marine, harmful and chemical compounds. And thinking how to reduce plastic weate. A large number of marine species is known to be harmed and/or killed by plastic debris. (Jose, 2002) Plastics has centered mostly on human health and environmental concerns, including their endocrine-disrupting properties and the long-term pollution they represent(Emily and Halden, 2013)
6.3.3. Understanding the characteristics of plastic by experiment.