C1b-Oils, Earth and Atmosphere- Hina Kanani

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C1b-Oils, Earth and Atmosphere- Hina Kanani by Mind Map: C1b-Oils, Earth and Atmosphere- Hina Kanani

1. Ethanol

1.1. Ethene and steam

2. food additives

2.1. Chromatography

2.2. Pros and Cons

3. Earth-

3.1. Earths atmosphere-past

3.1.1. Wegener's theory

3.2. Gases in the Atmosphere

3.3. Carbon cycle

3.4. Earths Structure

3.4.1. Tectonic Plates

4. Hydrocarbons

4.1. Cracking hydrocarbons

4.2. Alkenes and alkanes

5. Vegetable oils

5.1. Extracting oils

5.2. Cooking with oils

5.3. Emulsions

5.4. As fuels

6. polymerisation

6.1. Polymers

6.2. Monomers