Google Docs/Gears Webinar

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Google Docs/Gears Webinar by Mind Map: Google Docs/Gears Webinar

1. New in Google Docs

1.1. Key Points

1.1.1. Powerful new features

1.1.2. Faster Performance

1.1.3. Improved document import fidelity

1.1.4. Better collaboration

1.1.5. Quicker Innovation

1.2. Document Editor

1.2.1. importing from word greatly improved fidelity

1.2.2. Collaborators see each other's actions in real time Can comment to each other /w inline chat

1.3. Spreadsheet Editor

1.3.1. Auto Complete

1.3.2. Editable formula bar

1.3.3. Drag and Drop

1.3.4. Direct Sheet Links

1.3.5. Speed and Performance

1.4. Drawing Editor

1.4.1. Multi user collaboration

1.4.2. Download in standard formats (PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF)

1.4.3. Copy/Paste into other Google Docs

1.4.4. Publish and embed to web as images

1.4.5. Supported by ff, saf, chrome, and IE /w Chome Frame

1.4.6. Inline image creation tool can also import or upload images alignment guides Resizing/reformatting, custom shape creation tool

2. Google's position on collaboration options

2.1. Google Docs

2.1.1. Create documents, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations

2.1.2. Advanced (niche) formatting features

2.1.3. Multi-user editing and real-time update capabilities

2.1.4. Cursor presence and instant message

2.1.5. Storage in the Cloud

2.1.6. Mobile web access

2.1.7. No patches or updates to manage

2.1.8. Cost - Included with Google Apps

2.2. Microsoft Office 2010

2.2.1. Create documents, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations

2.2.2. Advanced (niche) formatting features

2.2.3. Multi-user editing and real-time update capabilities

2.2.4. Cursor presence and instant message

2.2.5. Storage in the Cloud

2.2.6. Mobile web access

2.2.7. No patches or updates to manage

2.2.8. Cost - $499 per user before discounts, plus administrative overhead

3. Summary

3.1. New Document, Spreadsheet, and darwing editors

3.1.1. Enhanced collaboration features

3.1.2. Streamlined bridging between the desktop and the cloud

3.2. Documents and Spreadsheets

3.2.1. Opti-in preview access for all consumers and customers

3.2.2. Fully supported in 44 languages

3.3. Drawings

3.3.1. Available for all consumers and customers

3.3.2. Fully supported in 48 languages

4. How to get started

4.1. Spreadsheets

4.1.1. Click NEW VERSION in the top right

4.2. Documents

4.2.1. Visit Document settings

4.2.2. Choose the Editing tab

4.2.3. Check the box 'Create new documents using the new version.'

4.2.4. Save your settings

5. Resources

5.1. Google Docs Help Center

5.2. Info about the new

5.2.1. Documents

5.2.2. Spreadsheets