Sally's murder

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Sally's murder by Mind Map: Sally's murder

1. soft drinks

1.1. coca cola

1.1.1. sallys DNA

1.1.2. 2 sets of prints

1.2. coke zero

1.2.1. one set of prints

2. drug screen

2.1. ghb (date rape)

3. the body

3.1. eyes open

4. murder scene

4.1. signs of a struggle

4.2. public place

4.3. evidence left

5. the murder weapon

5.1. blood on the bottle

5.1.1. from sally inside the bottle

5.1.2. from murderer on neck of bottle

5.1.3. blood groups (A/B/O/AB)

5.2. fingerprints

5.3. pieces of glass match

5.4. refractive index of glass

6. sally's skirt

6.1. white fibres

6.2. semen stains

7. footprints

7.1. under tree

7.2. changing rooms

7.2.1. running

8. suspects DNA