5-Step Plan for ELL Students

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5-Step Plan for ELL Students por Mind Map: 5-Step Plan for ELL Students

1. Step 3: Encourage learning outside of school

1.1. Who: Teacher and parents.

1.2. Where: Anywhere outside of school.

1.3. When: Anytime outside of school.

1.4. Why: The more interaction your student has with native English speakers the better. Learning in an environment outside of school can with learning conversational slang or phrases that may not be 'textbook' English.

1.5. How: Any interaction outside of school with native English speakers, such as ordering at a restaurant, watching movies in English, or simply having a conversation with neighbors.

1.6. What: Encourage interaction with native speakers outside of school.

2. Step 1: Get to know your ELL student

2.1. Who: Teacher.

2.2. What: Learn about your students, their goals or expectations, ambitions, and their cultural values.

2.3. Where: In the classroom.

2.4. When: Whenever possible, mostly while you are in the classroom with the students.

2.5. Why: Understanding what drives your students will help you create a differentiation plan for each student.

2.6. How: Engage students in conversation, ask them about their families and their goals, talk to them about the culture of where they came from.

3. Step 2: Make student feel comfortable

3.1. Who: Teacher.

3.2. What: Ensure that your students are comfortable in their environment.

3.3. Where: In the classroom

3.4. When: During class.

3.5. Why: If your students are not comfortable it will be harder for them to learn. Creating and environment the student feels comfortable in will allow the student to engage in the lesson instead of being preoccupied with their discomfort.

3.6. How: Consider how your students work best, are they more comfortable working alone or in groups? Do certain types of learning aids make them more comfortable?

4. Step 4: Promote cultural understanding

4.1. Who: Teacher and students.

4.2. What: Learn about the different cultures represented in your ELL classroom.

4.3. Where: In the classroom.

4.4. When: During class.

4.5. Why: Teaching students about each others cultures will help them learn about their peers and develop relationships with them. It will also help them feel included, particularly for students from less individualistic cultures.

4.6. How: Have students talk about their birthplaces. Perhaps do a student potluck with dishes from their birthplaces.

5. Step 5: Encourage students to participate in extracurricular activity groups

5.1. Who: Teacher and parents.

5.2. What: Encourage student participation is school sports or other extracurricular groups.

5.3. Where: In class for the teacher, at home for the parents.

5.4. When: Whenever possible.

5.5. Why: Student participation in group activities can develop relationships with their peers. Many cultures value team accomplishment over individual accomplishment, if you have an ELL student from a group oriented culture this could help them tremendously.

5.6. How: Encourage participation. Try to show the students the benefit of joining an activity group.