Voice-Directed Warehouse Management

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Voice-Directed Warehouse Management by Mind Map: Voice-Directed Warehouse Management

1. Voice solutions providers

1.1. Software + Hardware

1.1.1. Vocollect VoiceLink

1.1.2. VoiceInsight

1.1.3. T.O.P. System topPICK-Voice topSPEECH-Lydia

1.1.4. Perdictum Perdictum dictulus

1.2. Software

1.2.1. Voxware Voxware3

1.3. Hardware

1.3.1. Symbol(Motorolla) WT4000 wearable terminal

1.3.2. LXE LXE Voice computers

2. Success stories

2.1. Savage

2.1.1. TopSPEECH Lydia + Navision Axapta integration

2.2. X5 Retail Group

3. Suppliers

3.1. Russia

3.1.1. RedTree

3.1.2. SystemGroup

3.1.3. LT management

3.1.4. Корус Консалтинг

3.1.5. Concept WMS

3.1.6. Ant Tech

3.2. Finland

3.2.1. Optiscan

4. WMS providers

4.1. Consafe logicstics

4.2. ASiS

4.2.1. Logistic manager suite

4.3. Tecsys

4.4. Infor

4.4.1. Infor SCM

4.5. Mantis

4.6. BCP

4.7. Zetes

4.7.1. 3iVCrystal

4.8. Manhattan Associates

4.9. Accellos

4.9.1. Accellos warehouse one

4.10. Aldata

4.10.1. AlData G.O.L.D. Voice

4.11. Oracle

4.11.1. Oracle WMS

4.12. PSI Logistics

4.12.1. PSI WMS

4.13. Quantum software

4.13.1. QguarVPM

4.14. Red prarie

4.14.1. Red prarie WMS

4.15. SAP

4.15.1. SAP SCM


4.16.1. Swisslog Warehouse solutions

5. Articles

5.1. Legends and myths Voice-Directed Picking

5.2. Voice-Directed Picking

6. Perspective

6.1. AVON

7. Links

7.1. voicepicking.com