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IBEX Project von Mind Map: IBEX Project

1. One Class / Group Project

1.1. Different Rewards

1.1.1. Program Director Silver Collar 2 Points Extra OM and Risk Mt End Result = 10

1.1.2. Project Leader White Collar 1 Point Extra OM and Risk Mt End Result = 9

1.1.3. Employees Blue Collar End Result = 8

1.2. Different Project Groups per Class

1.2.1. Different Projects

1.2.2. Different Subjects

1.3. One Report - One Result

2. Class Organizes their own project

2.1. Setup of Project Organization

2.1.1. Establish Project Office

2.1.2. Establish Project Plan Cover Page Table of contents Background Information Project Limits Objects

2.1.3. Establish Organogram

2.2. Aquisition Project

2.2.1. CoM

2.2.2. IFM

2.2.3. RBS

2.3. Run the Project

2.4. Finalize the Project

3. Rules of the Game

3.1. Hire and Fire USA Way

3.2. Promotion and Demotion Pollicy

3.3. Silver / White / Blue Collars

3.4. Hour Registration

3.5. Currency in ECTS and Marks

4. Resources

4.1. Small Project Room Thursday Permanent

4.2. Permission from CoM for Research

4.3. Alternative for fired Personel

5. Key Succes Factors

5.1. Briefing during Introduction Week

5.2. Pre Board Meeting Monday 21 September

6. Ernst

6.1. Rhytm