Race In Latin America

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Race In Latin America by Mind Map: Race In Latin America

1. Revolution

1.1. Reading 1: Showed Blacks that their situation was not permanent.

1.1.1. Haiti's revolution was different than America's because the people who led it suffered more. Blacks led it instead of whites.

1.2. Reading 2: Replaced the race system, Mexico had, with a class system.

1.2.1. Eliminate racism of Indians was one of the central elements.

1.3. Reading 3: French and American Revolutions inspired Creole liberators.

2. Emancipation

2.1. Reading 1: Some Whites believed this would lead to economic ruin and a massacre of Whites.

2.2. Reading 3: No programs were created to help those that were freed from slavery.

3. Freedom

3.1. Reading 1: Haiti's freedom was more well earned than America's because the people of Haiti suffered torture, whereas the American revolution was led by the ruling race.

3.2. Reading 3: The reality of freedom was much less than freed slaves expected.

3.2.1. Slaves were illiterate and poor which forced them to still be at the bottom and continue to work for the same people.

4. Race

4.1. Reading 1: Haitians were viewed as helpless and degraded human beings.

4.2. Reading 2: The Mexican population is a mixture of different races.

4.2.1. Power and privilege were based on racial identification.

4.2.2. Race was not always clear and consistent, and was often argued about.

4.3. Reading 3: Creole were seen as above Indians, Blacks, and Mexicans.

4.4. Reading 4: Racially mixed populations are destined to be third class.

4.4.1. Abolitionists believed racial mixing would slowly whiten and upgrade the Brazilian population.