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Matter Door Mind Map: Matter

1. Pure Substances

1.1. Elements

1.1.1. Cannot be made into simpler substance Boron

1.1.2. Metals They are shiny, good conductors of thermal energy, malleable, and ductile. Titanium

1.1.3. Nonmetals They are dull, bad conductors of thermal energy, and tend to be brittle. Krypton

1.1.4. Metalloids They have properties of both metals and nonmetals. Some are shiny others are dull, some are good conducers of thermal energy and others are poor. Tellurium

1.2. Compounds

1.2.1. are two or more substances chemically combined Baking Soda

2. Mixtures

2.1. Heterogenous

2.1.1. A combination of substances in which different substance are easily found. Trail Mix

2.2. Homogeneous

2.2.1. A mixture that its properties and appearance the same throughout. Water and Sugar

3. Fun Facts

3.1. The most expensive metal in the world is Califorrnium at 27 million dollars per gram.

3.1.1. Californium

3.2. The rarest element is Astatine. There is less than 30 grams in the world

3.2.1. Astatine

4. Characteristic properties

4.1. A unique set of properties that allow you to identify it.

4.2. Boiling Point is the temp. that a liquid becomes a gas.

4.3. Melting Point is when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid.

4.3.1. Irons melting point is 1,535 degrees celsius

4.4. Density is mass per unit volume.

4.4.1. Irons density is 7.9 grams