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1. 6. IT WORLD

1.1. Software Developers, Service Providers

1.1.1. - Finland - CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd

1.1.2. - EU - Unisolution GmbH

1.1.3. - Global - IMS Global

1.1.4. - Global - ISOC Internet Society

1.1.5. - Finland - Discendum

1.1.6. - India - CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited

1.1.7. - Ireland – Digitary

1.1.8. - Italy - KION Spa

1.1.9. - Spain - Sigma Gestión Universitaria, AIE

1.1.10. - Global - Oracle

1.1.11. - UK/USA - Fulcrum

1.1.12. - USA - Academy One

1.1.13. - USA – Accreditrust Technologies, LLC

1.1.14. USA - CollegeNET

1.1.15. - USA - The Badge Alliance

1.1.16. USA - CollegeNET

1.1.17. - USA - Internet 2

1.1.18. - USA – Parchment

1.1.19. - USA – PESC (Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council)

1.2. NRENs, Regional RENs and Like-minded Organisations

1.2.1. - Albania - ANA (Academic Network of Albania)

1.2.2. - Arab World - ASREN (Arab States Research and Education Network)

1.2.3. - France- AMUE Agence de Mutualisation des Universités et Établissements

1.2.4. - EHEA - GÉANT Association

1.2.5. - Moldova- Centrul Tehnologiilor Informaţionale şi Comunicaţionale în Educaţie

1.2.6. - Netherlands - Studielink

1.2.7. - Netherlands - SURFNet

1.2.8. - Italy - CINECA-

1.2.9. - West and Central Africa - WACREN (West and Central African Research and Education Network)

1.2.10. - UK – JANET

1.2.11. - UK – JISC


2.1. - Global - IOM (International Organization for Migration)

2.2. Global - IGC (Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees)

2.3. - USA - DHS (Department of Homeland Security)


3.1. ENIC-NARIC Network and Credential Evaluation Services

3.1.1. - Denmark - Danish Agency for Higher Education

3.1.2. - ENIC-NARIC Network

3.1.3. - France - CIEP (Centre International d'études pédagogiques)

3.1.4. - Holy See - Congregation for Catholic Education

3.1.5. - Ireland - QQI Quality and Qualifications Ireland

3.1.6. - Italy - CIMEA (Centro Informazioni Mobilité Equivalenze Accademiche)-

3.1.7. - Latvia - AIC (Academic Information Centre)

3.1.8. - Moldova - Information and Qualification Recognition Office (ENIC)

3.1.9. - Netherlands - EP-NUFFIC

3.1.10. - Russian Federation - Glavexpertcentr – Chief State Expert Center for Education Evaluation and Budget

3.1.11. - Sweden - UHR (Swedish Council for Higher Education)

3.1.12. - Turkey – National Information Center , YÖK

3.1.13. - USA - ECE (Educational Credential Evaluators)

3.1.14. - USA - Educational Perspectives, nfp-

3.1.15. - USA - Foreign Credentials Service of America-

3.1.16. - USA - IERF (International Education Research Foundation)-

3.1.17. - USA - US NEI (Network for Education Information)

3.1.18. - USA - WES (World Education Services)


4.1. - Denmark – STAR (Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment)

4.2. - EHEA - GaragErasmus

4.3. - EU - FEANI European Federation of National Engineering Associations

4.4. - EHEA - Eurocadres

4.5. - Netherlands - Expertise in Labour Mobility

4.6. - Germany - BDA (Confederation of German Employers’ Associations)

4.7. - Spain - Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social

4.8. - USA - Federation of State Medical Boards


5.1. Australia – Universities Australia (work in progress)

5.2. - China - CHESICC (China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center)

5.3. - Czech Republic – SIMS (“Union Register of University Students of the Czech Republic “)

5.4. - Denmark – Stat

5.5. - Finland - Oodi, CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd

5.6. - France - [Verifdiploma?]

5.7. - Germany – [DZHW? (Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung)]

5.8. - Global - ETS (Educational Testing Service)

5.9. - Global - IBO (International Baccalaureate Office)

5.10. - India – NAD (National Academic Database), CDSL/NAD

5.11. - Italy – ANS (Anagrafe Nazionale Studenti)

5.12. - Mexico – RODAC (Registro Nacional de Emisión, Validación e Inscripción de Documentos Académicos)

5.12.1. - Netherlands – Diplomaregister, DUO (Education Executive Agency)

5.13. - New Zealand – National Learners Login, NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority)

5.14. - Poland – POL-on, MOE

5.15. - Romania – UEFISCDI/RMU (Registrul Matricol Unic)

5.16. - Slovak Republic - Portal VS - Portal vysokých skól v SR

5.17. South Africa – NLRD (National Learners' Records Database), SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority)

5.18. - Sweden - Ladok Consortium

5.19. - UK - DARE Consortium

5.20. - UK - HEDD (Higher Education Degree Datacheck)

5.20.1. - USA - NSC (National Student Clearinghouse)

5.21. Pilots and projects

5.21.1. - EU – EWP (Erasmus without Papers

5.21.2. - EU – EMREX

5.21.3. - Netherlands-Flanders – e-Enrolment

5.21.4. - USA-China – NSC and CHESICC


6.1. Rectors’ Conferences

6.1.1. - Australia - Universities Australia

6.1.2. - Latvia - Latvian Rectors’ Conference

6.1.3. - Netherlands - VSNU (Association of Universities in the Netherlands) - Spain - CRUE (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Espagnolas)

6.2. International University Consortia

6.2.1. - Arab World - AARU (Association of Arab Universities)

6.2.2. - EU - U4 Network of Universities

6.2.3. - EU - UNICA (Universities in Capital Cities of Europe) Network

6.2.4. - EHEA - Coimbra Group of Universities

6.2.5. - EHEA - CGU (Compostela Group of Universities)

6.2.6. - EHEA - EUA (European University Association)

6.2.7. - EHEA - Santander Group of Universities

6.2.8. - EHEA – EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education)

6.2.9. - Global - IAU International Association of Universities

6.2.10. - Latin America - UDUAL Uníon de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe

6.3. HEIs

6.3.1. - Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

6.3.2. - Drexel University

6.3.3. - Georg-August Universität, Göttingen

6.3.4. - Georgetown University

6.3.5. - University of Groningen

6.3.6. - HoGent University College Ghent

6.3.7. - University of Málaga

6.3.8. - London School of Economics and Political Science

6.3.9. - Manchester Metropolitan University

6.3.10. - Masaryk University

6.3.11. - McGill University

6.3.12. - National University of Singapore

6.3.13. - Nazarbaev University

6.3.14. - Stanford University

6.3.15. - UCN University College of Northern Denmark

6.3.16. - Umeå University

6.3.17. - Universidad de Málaga

6.3.18. - Universitá degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’

6.3.19. - Universitá della Svizzera italiana

6.3.20. - Université Numérique Paris-Île de France

6.3.21. - Université Pierre et Marie Curie

6.3.22. - University of Oslo

6.3.23. - University of Padova

6.3.24. - University of Texas at Austin

6.3.25. - University of Warsaw

6.3.26. - Uppsala University

6.3.27. - Cardiff University

6.3.28. - Czech University of Life Sciences

6.4. National Central Student Admissions Organizations

6.4.1. - Canada– ARUCC (Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada

6.4.2. - OUAC (Ontario Universities Application Centre)

6.4.3. - Germany – Stiftung Hochschulzulassung

6.4.4. - Germany - Uni-Assist

6.4.5. - Global – IAAO (International Association of Admissions Organizations)

6.4.6. - Netherlands – Studielink

6.4.7. - Norway – FS (Felles Studentsystem)

6.5. Student Loan Portability and Verification

6.5.1. - Global - FundsV

6.6. Student Unions and like-minded Organizations

6.6.1. - EHEA - ERACON (European Association of Erasmus Coordinators)

6.6.2. - EU - ESU (European Students’ Union)

6.6.3. - Netherlands - NWS (Netherlands Worldwide Students)

6.6.4. - EU - ESN (Erasmus Students Network)

6.7. Education Promotion and Student Exchange Bodies

6.7.1. - Canada – CBIE (Canadian Bureau for International Education)

6.7.2. - China - CEAIE (China Education Association for International Exchange)

6.7.3. - China - CSCSE (Chinese Service Center for Scholary Exchange)

6.7.4. - Japan - JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization)

6.7.5. - USA - CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange)



7.2. - EAIE

7.3. - Educause

7.4. - EUNIS

7.5. - NACAC National Association for College Admission Counseling

7.6. - NAFSA Association of International Educators

7.7. - TAICEP (The Association of International Credential Evaluation Professionals)


8.1. International organizations

8.1.1. - EHEA - BFUG (Bologna Follow Up Group) Secretariat

8.1.2. - Global - OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

8.1.3. - Global - UNESCO

8.1.4. - Global - UNESCO Institute for Statistics

8.1.5. - Global - World Bank

8.2. European Commission

8.2.1. - DG EAC Education and Culture

8.2.2. - DG CONNECT

8.2.3. - DG Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion

8.2.4. - DG Market

8.2.5. - EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency)

8.2.6. - DG DIGIT

8.2.7. - EC Permanent Delegation of the European Commission to the International Organisations

8.3. National Authorities, Executive Agencies and Accrediting Bodies

8.3.1. - USA - USNEI, Department of Education

8.3.2. - USA - Education USA, Department of State/

8.3.3. - Romania – UEFISCDI (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding), MOE

8.3.4. - Saudi Arabia - Ministry of Higher Education and Science

8.3.5. - Spain – SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación), MOE - Scotland - SDS Skills Development

8.3.6. - Turkey - YÖK (Council of Higher Education)

8.3.7. - Ukraine - Information and Image Center Apostille, MOE

8.3.8. - USA - CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation)

8.3.9. - Netherlands - Ministry of Economic Affairs

8.3.10. - Netherlands - Ministry of Education Culture and Science

8.3.11. - Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs /Education attachés

8.3.12. - Netherlands and Belgium/Flanders - NVAO (Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organization)

8.3.13. - Norway - Department of Policy Analysis, Lifelong Learning and International Affairs, MOE

8.3.14. - Pakistan - HEC (Higher Education Commission)

8.3.15. - Italy - Ministry of Education, Universities and Research

8.3.16. - Mexico - SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)

8.3.17. - Iraq – Kurdistan Regional Government - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Affairs

8.3.18. - Denmark - IT Department - Study Administration Systems, MOE

8.3.19. - Estonia – EHIS (Estonian Information System of Education), MOE

8.3.20. - Finland – CSC – IT Center for Education, MOE

8.3.21. - France – Ministry of Higher Education and Research

8.3.22. - Germany - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

8.3.23. - Belgium – Wallonia - ARES Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur

8.3.24. - Belgium - AHOVOKS (Agency for Higher Ecuation, Adult Education, Qualifications and Student finance)

8.3.25. - Angola – INAREES (Instituto Nacional de Avaliação, Acreditação e Reconhecimento de Estudos do Ensino Superior), MOE


9.1. EU - ACA (Academic Cooperation Association)

9.2. - EU- individual Higher Education consultants

9.3. - Global - Boston College Center for International Higher Education

9.4. - Global - Gartner Inc.

9.5. - Global - OBHE (Observatory on Borderless Higher Education)

9.6. - Mexico - ARSEE (Asociación de Responsables de Servícios Escolares y Estudiantiles A.C.)

9.7. - Netherlands - NETH-ER

9.8. - Netherlands - Technopolis Group

9.9. - USA - ACE (American Council on Education)

9.10. - USA - IIE (Institute of International Education)-

9.11. - USA - Lumina Foundation

9.12. - USA - SHEEO (State Higher Education Executive Officers Association)

9.13. - USA – China - Octaxias Company, LLC

9.14. - USA and global - ICG (Illuminate Consulting Group)