Strategies for Teaching a 4th Grade Math Objective with Two Types of Learning Styles

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Strategies for Teaching a 4th Grade Math Objective with Two Types of Learning Styles da Mind Map: Strategies for Teaching a 4th Grade Math  Objective with Two Types of Learning Styles

1. ADHD in Learning: Student should have preferential seating and opportunities for movement.

1.1. ADHD Learner Profile #1: Johnny is 9 years old in the 4th grade. Johnny has more energy than most of his classmates and at times it is difficult for him to stay seated trhoughout the day; which can be challenging for his teacher. He enjoys sports,video games, and making his classmates laugh.

1.1.1. Teaching Stategy#1: Computer Software Programs that offer immediate feedback/students work at their own pace, such as "Planet Turtle", & "Dream Box", which offer free trials. These programs allow students to access content on their level, and Johhny would enjoy the "game" reward aspect of the programs.

1.1.2. Teaching Strategy #2: "Think Dots": This strategy offers 6 activities that students must complete. Each activity is best structured around a learning profile, so that learners explore the concepts from different perspectives. Students roll a six-sided die to determine the random order that the activities are completed. For example, if a 5 is rolled first, then the 5th task is completed. Then with the next die roll of a 2, the second task is worked on. This process continues until all assignments are completed. *The die could be an oversized foam die, which could allow Johnny some physical movement when he rolls the die, and will also be a chance to interject some humor when the die is rolled.

1.2. ADHD Learner Profile #2: Sara is 8 years old in the 4th grade. During class, Sara often finds it difficult to focus and is easily distracted, which makes it difficult to process and retain information. Art and music are her favorite classes, and she loves to create crafts.

1.2.1. Teaching Strategy #1: Allow Sara to shape and glue manipulatives onto a sheet of construction paper in the shapes she is trying to learn. She could take spaghetti noodles and break them into the needed sizes to form the quadrilaterals. Or, this activity could be used as a reward for completing another learning task that is challenging for her as an incentive. This will appeal to Sara's crafty nature.

1.2.2. Teaching Strategy #2: "Learning Menus": Appetizers are 2-3 options that students choose from to do as a warm-up activity. Main Dishes offer 2-3 options. These may be structured to allow students to pick from, or be assigned to groups of students based on their readiness needs (skill gaps and need for greater challenge). Desserts give learners 2-4 options to extend their learning. Not all students finish their main dish with enough time to have dessert. Those who do finish their meal with time to spare choose from the dessert options as fun activities that provide greater challenge–appropriate to their readiness level. Desert keeps everyone on task during the remaining work time. *The "desert" in this case could be an artistic or musical choice to cater to Sara's interests.

2. Dyslexia in Learning: Student should have notes provided in written form. Alternatives/modifications to written assignments should be provided.

2.1. Dyslexia Learner Profile #1: Bobby is a 9yr. old in the 4th grade. Bobby is reading on a 2nd grade level. He is showing signs of potentially having ADHD in that he has trouble focusing at times. He loves graphic novels that involve superheroes, skateboarding, and is starting to develop a sense of style & manner of dress that is unique among his peers.

2.1.1. Teaching Strategy #1: "Art Gallery": Six pictures of the different shapes will be placed around the room on the walls. Students will take a piece of paper and fold it into six squares, and number the areas. Students will then walk around the room taking notes about the shapes, and will be given a certain amount of time for each picture. The teacher will provide prompts for qualities they could be looking for. Afterwards the students will share out about their findings and compare/contrast qualities about the shapes. This will appeal to Bobby's visual/artistic sensibilities.

2.1.2. Teaching Strategy #2: Complete a "Frayer Model" about a shape, appealing to Bobby's visual/artistic sensibilities.

2.2. Dyselexia Learner Profile #2: Erin is an 8 yr. old in the 4th grade. She is reading on a 3rd grade level. She excels in science and loves hands on projects that involve manipulatives and getting messy. She is always the first student to volunteer to participate, whether she knows the answer or not, and loves public speaking, acting, and attention in general (which sometimes gets her in trouble).

2.2.1. Teaching Strategy #1: "Expert In My Field": Students will take their text book (*or learning packets prepared by the teacher ahead of time) and be assigned to small "home" groups that will meet in different areas around the room. The text will be broken up into different portions (ex: in one group, one student could be assigned the 2 pages on rhombuses...the other child in the group has 2 pages on rectangles...and so on). The students are given post-it notes to write down key vocabulary/facts/points of interest. They then rotate to meet with the other students in their "field" to share out about what they have noted, and boil down what they want to share with their "home groups". They then go back to their "home" group" and share about what they learned with their fellow-experts. The class then meets as a whole to discuss findings. This will appeal to Erin's interest in reporting/public speaking. Erin will also be aided by her fellow "experts" in case she gets stuck about what she can share out about.

2.2.2. Teaching Strategy #2: Allow Erin/the class to sing and dance to the following songs/videos to appeal to her music interests. Song #1 Song #2

3. Summary:

3.1. It is vital to identify the learning profile, interests, and level of readiness for students in planning for instruction. Without these elements in harmony, students will either check-out or become frustrated to the point that instruction cannot take place.

3.2. One way learn about students’ learning profiles & interests is by having them self report through autobiographical projects at the beginning of the school year. It is also important to engage caregivers and discuss a student's learning profile. Reviewing a child's academic cummalitive records and standardized testing is also telling when it comes to learning about their level of readiness in learning. As you can see in the teaching strategies outlined, they are all designed to meet a child by combining thier interests, strengths, and level of readiness.

4. The objective:- Students will understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals).

5. Sources:
